Beat Bayern Munich 4-0 twice, then beat Hungarian triumph


On Saturday, Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt will meet in the Bundeslig. In relation to this prostitute, we remember the story that is mentioned as the strangest coaching party of all time, and that had a Hungarian protagonist: Gyula Lrnt, a thousand in the 1954 World Championship. fired. But it doesn’t happen every day afterward.

On Saturday, Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt will meet for the hundredth time in the Bundesliga1. This is really beautiful in light of the fact that this is the 58th Bundesliga season, meaning it couldn’t have reached this point more than 116 times. The interesting thing about the history of the two teams is that the Bundeslign has also recorded a second series.

On January 7, 1967, the Bayern Munich-Eintracht Frankfurt match was played on a snowy beach.Forrs: dpa Picture-Alliance / AFP / usage worldwide / Roland Witschel

They can meet in the Oberliga dli group, as they are relatively close geographically, so they fought here before the 1963 German League started. St, in 1932 the dntt league also held each other. In the Nmet Cup, their powders are natural, and the fact that when Bayern was proclaimed champion in 2018, winner of the Frankfurt Cup, they also fought in the Super Cup. The second stage where they performed is interesting. This is the beginning of the Euroleague, the UEFA Cup. In this two battles were fought, s Frankfurt is one of the few teams in the big international against which Bayern has a 0% advantage.

In the first place in 1980, and in 1977, the Hessen team left Bavaria in the autumn. The latter was also a risi bravr because, before that, Bayern started in the European Champions Cup and won it three times. In the 1976-77 season, however, he finished seventh in the league, which was as far from the start of the international cup as the field was a year earlier in terms of performance. However, the game barely weakened as it might only be good luck to be able to enter the third issue in the series. Because then only the champion Mnchengladbach could start in the most prestigious series, the West German team mg ngy could enter the UEFA Cup. Schalke, Braunschweig and Frankfurt finished directly after the champion. The second Kln, on the other hand, selected the most prestigious European Cup champions as the winners of the German Cup, while the sixth Hamburg started in that series at the level of the KEK. However, Bayern ranked seventh in the UEFA Cup and if mr gy was formed, they definitely wanted to win it. He didn’t start badly in the series, first knocking out Norway’s Mjndalen with a 12-0 win, then Bulgaria’s Marek Sztanke Dimitrov with 3-2. Then, on November 23, 1977, came Risi’s slap.

It is not from foreign territory, but from the Eintracht Frankfurt championship. This cannot be said to be unprecedented, as the Frankfurters had constantly come to him in the Bundeslig. Eintracht won one of their last championships and it became a draw. Among the victories were 6-0, 2-0, 2-1 and a 3-0 Munich. This last absent Eintracht victory on the occasion of the team It was led by Gyula Lrnt, who managed to beat Kickers coach Offenbach against Bayern at the Olympic Stadium. The Hungarian Gold Team seems to have gone very far against Bayern, because in that league they also beat footballer Dettmar Cramer in Frankfurt. It was in the wild in 1976-77.

Then came the 1977-78 season, and that November 23rd, when the two teams produced the first episode of a chrome action sale, which is unprecedented in soccer history. The eighth final of the UEFA Cup took place in Frankfurt. Hungarian coach Gyula Lrnt was able to send 1974 world champions Jrgen Grabowski and Bernd Hlzenbein to the beach, as well as Charly Krbel, who has hosted the most Bundesliga1 matches to date.

Lrnt Gyula (left) s Jrgen GrabowskiForrs: AFP

Dettmar Cramer’s team was also played by other world champions, Sepp Maier, Hans-Georg Schwarzenbeck, Jupp Kapellmann and Gerd Mller, and was also played by then-world Lord Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. He became a real star and the meeting turned one-sided. Frankfurt led Bayern 4-0 with Hlzenbein, Grabowski, Kraus and Skala. With this, the advance was practically finished. The comeback came at two hours, but before the vagaries of the lottery continued, the two teams were three days later in the league, also in the same place. There is nothing special about this, we have heard it in the history of football. m what makes the second act special: in the same place, the same two lines produced the same unusual result. That is, Frankfurt beat the best team in the world (then only one of them) 4-0. Mg’s device list was almost the same, only now Wenzel arrived along with Hlzenbein, Grabowski, and Kraus. Gyula Lrnt sent the same 11 people to the winning team in the winning team, which had been sent to the scene three days earlier. Dettmar Cramer moved in three places: Janzon, Wohland and Rummenigge were replaced by two-time BEK winners, Bule Roth and Uli Hoeness, followed by Erhan. Neither could the Eintracht be reached.

Dettmar Cramer (kzpen) edzst cake at Bayern MnchennekForrs: AFP / Karl Schnorrer

As expected, this week Dettmar Cramer could not miss on the Bayern bench. At that time, it did not matter that in 1975 and 1976 he won the first series of the European Cup with the Bavarian team, and in the last year he also started the club championship, the Intercontinental Cup. They also started before the UEFA Cup. That was the tragic part of the chrome piece. And apparently everyone thinks that Gyula Lrnt became the protagonist of the executive part. After two such 4-0 wins, he used to skyrocket the coach’s salary, sign a contract with him, and agree with him when the sculpture could go to make him a model for the creator next to the stadium. Well, those who think like this are very disappointed! Because Gyula Lrnt did not play a serious role in the part of the play, but in the tragicomic point. Now stick to: The day before Cramertl bought Bayern, Frankfurt brought out the successful Hungarian manager. More than 40 years away, it is difficult to say why Lrnt was expelled. Grabowski, the team legend for the Frankfurter Rundschau, said raw manners couldn’t get along for a moment with the club’s president, the noble Achaz von Thmen, who was also the director of Frankfurt’s Patins University at the time. . Grabowski regarded Lrnt as one of the greatest Eintracht coaches of all time and worked with the leaders to keep him on the team. Failed.

Lrnt Gyult was ringed for beating Bayern Munich 4-0 twiceSource: Origo

Frankfurt traveled without a train back to Munich on December 7. The team was replaced by Jrgen Grabowski. He changed the victory to 4-0 twice in one place: Lothar Skala was replaced by Dragan Stepanovic. Of course, it also put cheese at the beginning. When In Munich, the Frankfurt footballers retired to a good acquaintance on the beach – Gyr Lrnt. In other words, Bayern immediately acquired Cramer. The Hungarian coach forced himself to the best situation in the world: he tried to eliminate the native difference between cheese and his subordinates. This is not the case in childhood in the Kszeg plots as a child. Because even there, it was rare for someone to meet the opponent during a match. To be sure, on a serious level, there haven’t been many examples of this in the history of the sport. He couldn’t bear the hopes with too much hope, in any case he switched to Bayern that he had confidently defeated two years earlier. On the defensive axis, Schwarzenbeck placed the young Augenthaler in the informed position of Beckenbauer, who later became world champion in 1990. He sent a subdivision that he could, in principle, have thrown out. Kapellmann, Drnberger, Uli Hoeness, Gerd Mller, Rummenigge and Bule Roth, who were also successful in two BEK-dnt, played at the same time. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge took the lead for Bayern in the 3rd minute, but Lrnt faced the great team he had formed in Frankfurt. His former players took a great advantage tactically and won the match with Hlzenbein and Wenzel. They won the best eight hands with a double win.

At Bernd Nickel’s door (middle, in white) at Bayern Munich Frankfurt, the other team in March 1977Forrs: dpa Picture-Alliance / usage worldwide / Roland Witschel

What was not possible before was that Ajax, St. Tienne, Benfica, Real Madrid, Dinamo Kiev, Jpest Jaya and Eintracht Frankfurt were left without training. The mentioned superpowers were eliminated at the Olympic Stadium in Munich in 1972. Frankfurt became the first to win an international cup there. With that, the curtain, the great Bayern series, ended in a strange way.

m this is a comedy whose mg has remained like a big pony after the chrome lift. One day after the Munich triumph we introduce our new coach, Dettmar Cramer, to our soccer player in Frankfurt. With him, Frankfurt was eliminated in the next round against the Swiss Grasshopper in the UEFA Cup. In the last turn, Bayernje de Lrnt beat Cramer Frankfurt 2-1. Frankfurt was seventh and Bayern twelfth in the league. Gyr Lrnt could start next season in Munich, but could not finish. Dettmar Cramer, on the other hand, was disqualified from Frankfurt after the tournament.

Eintracht Chief Financial Officer Gerhard Jakobi was right, who resolutely remarked after the strange change of training in December: I’m afraid we will trade a winning coach for a loser.
