Bajnai denies going back to politics as an impulse


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

“Former Finance Minister Péter Oszkó also helps us, and I usually consult with former Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai,” András Fekete-Győr, president of Momentum, told Inforadio on Thursday about who will help in party elections or, as he put it. the politician, in the government. .

This has already appeared in various places, with Bajnai returning to politics in the colors of Momentum, and Fidesz has also started to defend again. However, the former prime minister took to Facebook on Sunday because “I have found myself in an uncomfortable situation in recent days, I have to speak.”

As he writes, “András Fekete-Győr gave a longer interview on Thursday, in which he also mentioned me and put it precisely:” … and I also often consult with former Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai. “This is so true.

Since then, there has been a big circle in the press about the click search news created from this that “Bajnai returns to politics, in the colors of Momentum.” However, that is no longer true. “

Bajnai recalls that since 2014 he has moved away from domestic politics, working abroad as one of the leaders of an international company. At the same time, as a civilian, a former head of government, he has been actively supporting “those brave people who credibly fight for the civil and European future of Hungary, for the replacement of the mafia government that has been under the country for 10 years” . That is why he helped Gergő Karácsony’s mayoral campaign from the beginning, for which he publicly recommended Benedek Jávor, Csaba Molnár, Klára Dobrev, Anna Donáth and István Ujhelyi in the EP campaign. And so he spoke to András Fekete-Győr about his experiences in government “a few times in the last three years.”

He still does not want to participate in party politics, “but I will always support credible members of the opposition coalition, which I have called for a long time, if they so request. I have no political ambitions beyond that. “

Finally, he draws attention to the university occupation of SZFE, urges Gábor Iványi, the Igazgyöngy Foundation and the Dr. Ámbédkar College to stand, and asks the support of the remaining independent press.

Péter Oszkó also spoke. He also writes that he does not intend to participate in political or party electoral struggles in any way. “From time to time I make expert statements on public issues, especially economic ones, that affect our activities, as well as I take opinions that I do not want to change in the future. But I would like to state that I am doing this consistently, regardless of parties, and I still don’t want anyone to use this type of activity unexpectedly for their own individual and party political purposes. “

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
