Bad news for Hungarians: we can’t plan a laid-back vacation


The body’s immune response to the coronavirus begins about two weeks after the first vaccination, or after infection, and takes several weeks to complete. Among the antibodies that recognize the virus, IgM-type antibodies appear for the first time in the blood, and then, about a week after the second vaccination, the characteristic IgG of immunological memory can be detected, said Anna Széchenyi, renowned immunologist of Népszava and teacher of the same. from the Department of Immunology of the Eötvös Loránd University, full member of the Academy and director of the joint Immunology Research Group of the two institutions.

Vaccines and those infected can be protected for a year, two years, or even more, but this will only be possible after a sufficient period of time has elapsed. Tens of thousands of people around the world are being studied at various research sites, measuring and monitoring changes in immunological parameters. Scientific reports show that we do not respond to vaccination in the same way as to infection, but this is not only the case with this virus, emphasizes the immunologist.

You don’t have to worry even if you are low on antibodies

No one should worry about who does not develop an immune response in their body after vaccination, because “research shows that in the case of a new coronavirus infection, the immune system remembers the virus through the formation of killer cells from memory even when antibody levels in the body drop. There is a case in the literature where an antibody response has not developed in anyone, but cellular immunity does and provides strong protection, but this is one of the rare cases where antibody development is common. in almost all cases, the scientist said.

Is the fourth wave coming or can we go on vacation, as the Prime Minister says?

“I think that we can’t plan a fully liberated vacation this year. Based on last year’s conditions, roughly 60 to 65 percent of the population would need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Unfortunately, however, due to emerging mutants, especially the rapidly spreading British variation, a much higher protection rate must be achieved, at least 85-90 percent, which of course includes those who have protected themselves to through infection. This is also not an exceptional situation, measles is even more contagious, only almost 100 percent of vaccination is a security against it, otherwise the epidemic will break out. This happened recently in Ukraine and Romania, “said Anna Erdei.

The virus is faster than vaccination.

“So there is a race between achieving a sufficient level of vaccination to protect the population and the speed at which the virus spreads. Ideally, everyone should be vaccinated in a short time, but that is no longer possible because there are diseases. In addition, it is reported that vaccination of children, who make up almost 20 percent of the population, will begin in the fall as soon as possible, the scientist believes. (Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke on state radio on Friday about asking the operational tribe to respond whether it is possible to vaccinate people between the ages of 16 and 18. Vaccination of this age group has already started in several countries – to ed.)

According to Anna Erdei, longer-term protection should be provided, that is, a mask should be worn before the end of the year, distances should be maintained, and hands should be washed frequently.
