Babos Tmea came home, he was exhausted


“Here is the kitchen and the boys”, begins the emotional recording of Babos Tmea on Instagram.

“So far I haven’t had time for anything, so I’m starting to realize what happened and I just didn’t understand it. It’s terribly unfair, you can’t find any acceptable reason why this should have happened.

Let’s see the facts: Benoit Paire’s PCR test was positive for about 10 days (after 4 days), but in the last few days it has returned negative results. The other people “close to you” have never had a positive test. I 4, mg Who has 11, I say 11 once? negatv had tests for covid 19. We were excluded. We were eliminated because everyone had slipped every game, we just stayed in the race. On Friday they were asked if Mannarin would be allowed to play and not us on the same day.

It is simply an injustice! incomprehensible! I can’t be fair.

We were introduced for the first time in a Grand Slam tournament. I also thought a lot about traveling or not, I had many questions. But I like sports, I wanted to compete. Anyway, I always go / win the competition and I admit at the level that we always have a good chance to do it. They took the opportunity to lift a GS trophy, not to mention the material and spiritual crocuses! From mirt? I don’t know, I didn’t understand … I really don’t … “
