Babis: The Czech government is not asking for an extension of the state of emergency.


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Andrej Babis in Brussels at the EU summit on February 21.Photo: Nicolas Economou / NurPhoto via AFP

The Czech government will not ask parliament for another extension of the state of emergency in the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Andrei Babis said in an interview with Nova commercial television on Sunday night. Babis is satisfied with the performance of members of the government during the epidemic and does not plan any changes in the cabinet.

The Czech government wanted to extend the state of emergency until May 25, but parliament only allowed the extension until May 17 last week. “We will not ask for another extension,” Babis replied to the journalist’s query. According to him, the government will resolve the situation by giving the Ministry of Health more powers. The prime minister rejected the opposition’s claim that this would allow the government to escape parliamentary control.

According to the draft, the Ministry of Health would have the right to restrict the operation of shops, services, public transport and the holding of public events in certain situations in the future. The ministry could also regulate the operation of health and social institutions and order the use of protective equipment.

Currently, such power is only available to the government in times of emergency. The opposition considers such strengthening of the health ministry to be dangerous, and argues that this will open the door to abuse. Andrej Babis says that the opposition is not well. “The government worked well. It is true that sometimes our opinions differ, but in general we cope well with the tasks. I am satisfied, ”said Babis in the interview.

The opposition is demanding the replacement of Health Minister Adam Vojtech because they believe he has made serious mistakes, including buying protective equipment that is too expensive, writes MTI, according to Czech sources.

The data really confirms Babis’s satisfaction. The epidemic is declining in the Czech Republic, which is slightly more populous than Hungary, with a population of 10.5 million: the number of cases of active coronation has steadily decreased for more than two weeks, on April 13, there were 4,049 active cases on Sunday. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, a total of 7,764 infected people have been recorded, and 245 is the official number of deaths, which is lower than our death rate, even with a much higher number of cases than in Hungary. The Czech Republic has a death rate of 3.16 percent, which is more favorable than neighboring Poland (4.95 percent), Germany (4.2 percent), and Austria (3.83 percent), but worse than the Slovak figure (1.7 percent). hundred). . The Hungarian death rate is 11.34 percent.

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