Austria tightens: there will be a curfew between eight in the afternoon and six in the morning


In Austria, all events except professional sports will be banned from Tuesday, theaters, museums, swimming pools and gyms will be closed, and restaurants can only receive deliveries, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced on Saturday, according to the MTI. .

The hotels do not accept guests either. 80 percent of the losses are reimbursed by the state. In addition, a night curfew applies: between 20:00 and 6:00, Austrian residents can leave their place of residence only in certain cases, such as going to work, playing sports or walking dogs. Personal meetings can take place between up to two members of the household.

Schools and kindergartens may still be open, but upper secondary and upper secondary students are transitioning to digital education. Stores can be open without restrictions, and personal service providers (hairdressers, beauticians) can also continue their work. However, only one guest can reach 10 square meters. Visits are restricted in hospitals and nursing homes. Visitors should only enter facilities for the elderly, those in need of care and patients with a negative coronavirus test or a suitable mask (FFP2) and must maintain the prescribed distance. The only exceptions to hardening are facilities that provide palliative care and psychological assistance in critical stages of life. Kurz justified the tightening with an explosive increase in cases. He noted that the measures could be relaxed in December. In Austria, the coronavirus has 104,925 infections and 1,109 deaths.

Greece announced a general overnight curfew on Saturday to curb the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. Prime Minister Kiriakos Micotakis highlighted in a video message that after a longer and quieter period, the number of coronavirus cases is growing exponentially again. He added that experts have warned that a pandemic could test the resilience of the health system. He said the new measures target the two main areas responsible for the rise in infections, the entertainment industry and transportation.

The curfew will go into effect on Tuesday and will go into effect from midnight to 5 pm On the same day, it will be mandatory to wear the mask across the country. Highly infected areas are classified in a red zone where restaurants and entertainment venues must be closed and cultural and sporting events cannot be held. Universities are moving towards a digital curriculum and the government is working to allow 50 percent of its workers to work from home. The private sector was also encouraged to expand the central office. The restrictions remain in effect for at least one month. The authorities have reserved 1.5 billion euros to support the sectors most affected by the virus, Micotakis reported. In Greece, the number of infected increased by 1,690 on Friday. There are 37,196 infected and 620 fatalities from the coronavirus in the country.

Meanwhile, the number of new cases per day also set a record in the United States, Germany, Poland, and Belgium.

In the United States, it was announced on Friday that there were 100,233 new infections in 24 hours, a world record. Previously, India was the country with the most 97,894 infections. The high number of cases means that more than one new infection is reported per second in the United States.

The number of coronavirus patients treated at the hospital increased by more than 50 percent to 46,000 in October, the highest number since mid-August. In the United States, there are 9,053,220 infected people and 229,768 deaths. Poland also set a record on Saturday: the number of infected people has risen by nearly 22,000 in the past 24 hours. To curb the epidemic, the Catholic country decided to keep cemeteries closed to all the saints. In Poland, the coronavirus has 362,731 infected and 5,631 dead.

In Belgium, the daily record was broken with 21,448 new cases, registered on Tuesday and published on Saturday. The Belgian government has announced that further restrictions can be expected due to the spread of the epidemic. Starting Monday, all non-vital stores will close for at least one month. In addition, the Belgian government allows one visit per household per week. The exception is people living alone who have the opportunity for an additional visit. In Belgium, there are 412,314 infected people and 11,452 deaths.

In Germany, the number of infected people increased by 19,059 in the previous 24 hours, another record, the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) reported on Saturday. A week earlier, that number was still 14,714. Angela Merkel The German Chancellor confirmed: the government will help companies in trouble. On November 2, for at least a month, new austerity measures will come into force in Germany and the operation of the hotel and cultural sectors, among others, will be almost completely suspended. The country has 527,916 people infected and 10,469 deaths from the coronavirus, according to a summary from Johns Hopkins University.

Featured Image: HANS PUNZ / APA / AFP
