Austria decides on severe austerity: schools, shops close, curfew all day


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Schools will close and move on to digital education, only stores selling vital products will be open and beauticians, masseurs and hairdressers will not be able to receive guests. Additionally, the curfew restrictions have been extended to 24 hours a day.

The new measures will take effect at zero o’clock on Tuesday and will remain in effect until December 6 for now. Kurz said

The goal is to save the Christmas period with the current strict precautions.

According to the chancellor, more restrictions are needed because the measures taken so far have not sufficiently reduced the number of infected people.

Some provinces, such as Carinthia, Vorarlberg and Upper Austria, are still experiencing explosive growth, he added.

Kurz asked the Austrians not to meet with more than one person if possible.

Each social contact is one more than it should be

– He said.

At the same time, the Austrian leader assured the population that childcare would continue to be available in schools and kindergartens if warranted.

Traders can expect government compensation of between 20 and 60 percent for lost revenue, depending on the industry, said Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler.

Austria currently has the highest rate of new coronavirus infections by population worldwide, according to the online database Our World in Data.

In Austria, in an average of seven days, there are 831 new infections per million inhabitants, ahead of Georgia (781), Switzerland (743), the Czech Republic (674) and Slovenia (668). However, while Switzerland and the Czech Republic have apparently managed to slow the spread of the epidemic, the numbers in Austria have risen sharply since mid-October.

Although the Austrian government tightened precautionary measures on November 3, the measure was insufficient to slow the spread of the epidemic. To avoid overloading the health care system, the Vienna cabinet has decided to implement further tightening on Saturday.

In Austria, after the spring national quarantine came into effect on March 16, infection rates increased for two more weeks and then gradually began to decline from April. Mortality data only started to improve in mid-April. Currently, the number of infected and fatalities is much higher than in the spring.

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