Audi is set: production will resume in Győr next week


Last week, we also reported that the Audi factory in Győr had extended its extraordinary production break until April 19 due to a coronavirus epidemic. Mónika Czechmeister, communications manager for the Győr-based vehicle manufacturing company, has already indicated at the time that the engine plant was expected to start production gradually in the week of April 13, depending on customer needs. The company’s latest announcement has now revealed that engine production at Győr will resume, and the necessary preparations have already been made at the Győr plant.

For us, maintaining the health of our employees is paramount. We do our best to protect the health of our employees through our responsible decisions and consistent actions in all areas. At the same time, it is essential to maintain our business and preserve Audi Hungary’s ability to act.

Alfons Dintner said.

The chairman of the board of auditors of Audi Hungaria Zrt. He also thanked his colleagues who work in the home office for maintaining the Audi Hungary business. Furthermore, it is up to all Győrs and audis to contribute to slowing the spread of the virus through their disciplined behavior.

The company noted that during downtime, most employees are partly licensed and partly licensed, the company provides their income to. During the production break, the company will transform the workplace of a total of 12,800 people in all areas of specialization in a way that ensures maximum employee safety and a smooth start to production.

Comprehensive measures have been developed.

The company said it had developed a comprehensive package of measures in consultation with the Volkswagen Group. Audi Hungaria consistently implements the precautions formulated in all its fields, with which, of course, they also comply with the regulations of the Hungarian health authorities. One of the cornerstones of this is distance. The company reduced its employees’ personal contact opportunities to a minimum as early as a few weeks ago. In workplaces where work must be maintained, a safety distance of 1.5 meters must be observed.

Audi Hungaria pays great attention to protecting the health of its employees not only in the workplace, but also upon arrival at work. The company has doubled the number of contracted flights and the disinfection of the buses is ongoing. Thanks to this measure, it is also possible to meet the mandatory distance here, they wrote.

There was also talk that on the first day of production resumption, all employees will receive mandatory training, where they will receive full information on extended precautions. In addition, employees will receive an informational brochure prepared for this purpose. The staff’s idea of ​​making parts for protective masks with a 3D printer should also be highlighted. Audi Hungaria works closely with other group production sites on this project. The first prototypes have already been manufactured and are currently being centrally validated. In addition, Audi Hungaria has previously supported the purchase of two ventilators in Győr and donated special protective clothing to effectively protect healthcare workers.

Due to the coronavirus, production stopped in Győr for several weeks.

On March 17, Audi announced that production at the plant would cease on March 23 due to the international situation due to the control of the coronavirus epidemic and the uncertainty in the supply of parts. In addition to Győr, Audi AG also stopped production at its sites in Ingostad, Neckarsulm, Brussels and Mexico.

Audi Hungaria Zrt, based in Győr, is a member of the Audi Group and a core engine supplier to the Audi and Volkswagen Group. Last year, Audi Hungaria Zrt’s sales revenue increased by 1.18 billion euros compared to 2018, reaching 8.56 billion euros. His profit fell by 85 million euros to 355 million euros.

Last year, a total of 1,968,742 engines were built in Győr, 14,441 more than in 2018. The number of vehicles launched off the production line increased from 64,817 to 164,817 compared to the previous year.
