Attila Vidnyánszky: “You have to go through this”


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Attila Vidnyánszky gives daily interviews to government media about the University of Theater and Film Arts, and today a longer conversation with him appeared in Mandiner, of which we highlight three details.

1. About the Board

Mandiner: Is there any way to comply with the requirement that the members delegated by the University Senate be included in the Board of Trustees?

Vidnyánszky: I think that’s how the lineup has become real now. Now we are there with negotiators of the right weight sitting across from each other. Still, we have a very difficult process ahead of us.

.AttilaVidnyánszky delivers a speech at the indigenous grafted apple tree planting ceremony related to the National Theater’s Wass Albert performance on February 27, 2020Photo: Tibor Illyés / MTI / MTVA

2. About the university reserve

Vidnyánszky: The physical block that was just created is also about not wanting to allow any changes. This is the most painful for me. I hope the arguments, the outlined plans, affect them too, but I can’t even say them.

Mandiner: Were you able to enter the building? Have you tried to enter since the entrance is closed?

Vidnyánszky: No. I’m not going there. Why should I provoke the situation? This is not necessary now, but to create an opportunity for dialogue.

3. About your difficulties

Mandiner: How do you face this period?

Vidnyánszky: Very difficult. This is not my profession, I am not a politician, but my sense of professional responsibility years ago prompted me not only to express my opinion, but to be a participant in public life in accordance with my values. Many times I am blamed for leading and not politicizing, but if politics means participation in public affairs, then taking an intellectual role in this, if not a duty, but certainly not a shame. (…) And there is my greatest support, my family. I have a background that protects, helps me regenerate, and heals my spiritual wounds. This is a wonderful thing. There is so much support from both the civil and professional world that you have to go through this. I feel like our faith is incredibly strong.

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