Attila Pataky had a big change of opinion about the coronavirus


Pataky Atila He previously talked about the fact that the coronavirus is an orbital artificial hysteria excited by background power.

But after the singer of Edda also infected it and suffered the infection thoroughly, his opinion changed radically.

“At first, like a noisy rock star, I announced that this is not the case, it is not and it is not. But there is, and there is, and there is so much, “she said now on RTL’s Club Focus.

Pataky was also hospitalized, he lost a lot if he looked in the mirror, or lamented, or laughed and said to himself: “You are bringing the most ingenious way of your life, Atila.”

Compared to the condition he was in a week and a half or two ago, he feels in heaven: he may be at home, his pain is gone, he says, at St. László Hospital they did a miracle with him.

For him, in addition to fever and weakness, the main characteristic of the infection is that “you have a tremendously great majre in you, trembling inside (…) for others.”

Based on her hospital experience, the singer warns that it is very important not to take the virus lightly, “whoever feels a little worse should not infect others. Don’t hurt the other, because you can get away with it and the other can die, ”said Pataky.

Focus rang the Edda keyboard, Zsoltot Gömöry who was hospitalized for the coronavirus in a more serious condition than Pataky.

Image: Márton Neményi
