At the SZTE clinic, patients can be treated for the first time with favipiravir


The new coronavirus infection was detected in 1,322 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 28,631. 17 patients have died and 6,349 have already recovered.
We are in the rising phase of the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, with the number of infected people increasing across Europe, the national medical director said.
The government has made the necessary decisions to keep the epidemic under control and protect people’s lives and health, but in the meantime, the country should not have to stop, emphasized a government spokesperson on M1.
Alexandra Szentkirályi said that another important element of protection is the flu vaccine, which can be given free of charge not only to people over 65 and chronic patients.
At the University of Szeged clinic, coronavirus patients can be treated for the first time in the country with the Avigan drug containing favipiravir, thus a shorter recovery time and fewer complications are expected during the disease.
Private clinics are circumventing regulation by introducing the official price with a landing fee, package deals or simply the suspension of the PCR test, the Hír TV Complaint Book discovered.
Another school in Pécs was quarantined for a coronavirus.
The government would increase doctors’ salaries by 120 percent, contrary to the previous 80 percent proposal from the Hungarian Medical Chamber, Magyar Nemzet said. According to the newspaper, negotiations have already started between the government and the MOK.
The socialist mayor of Kispest admitted to the Informator that he knew Ákos V., the person who, speaking to his face, said on the program that he himself was an eye and ear witness to everything that could be heard in Lackner’s sound recordings .
Márton Joób (Cooperation for Szeged), representative of the local government, resigned from his position as family, social and sports advisor and from the supervisory board of Szegedi Sport és Fürdők Kft.
The main objective of Hungarian economic policy is to protect jobs and businesses, and supporting investments is the most effective tool, said Finance Minister Mihály Varga.
After fighting the coronavirus epidemic, the government will continue to reduce public debt with secure, long-term and multi-stage financing, the finance minister said in a video message.
Maintaining the standard of living of families is as important as protecting human life and reviving the economy, the minister without portfolio for families said on Kossuth radio.
The aim of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology is to make Hungary one of the top innovators by 2030, joining the first third of European countries, declared the Minister of Innovation and Technology.
The Digital Freedom Committee was not created by the government in the spring to censor Facebook, but to seek guarantees of the rule of law online, the justice minister said.
Organizations that provide background material for the European Commission’s report on the rule of law are supported by the György Soros Foundation, said Pál Völner, parliamentary secretary of state at the Ministry of Justice.
The Hungarian Consulate in Nuremberg was officially inaugurated, and Péter Szijjártó, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, also participated in the event.
Bavarian companies play a very important role in the development of the Hungarian economy, recalled Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who is in Nuremberg.
The Transylvanian Hungarian Association is starting negotiations with the Hungarian Democratic Union in Romania on the parliamentary elections scheduled for December, the EMSZ co-chairs announced.
The postponement of the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6 by the Bucharest government until March 14 next year was initiated by Adrian Dohotaru, an independent left-wing MP.
The European Union has sent a strong and clear message to Ankara about its intention to continue the dialogue and its commitment to the interests and rights of Greece and Cyprus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Brussels.
Following a strong message from the European Council on Thursday, it is now Turkey’s turn to decide how it wants to shape its relations with the European Union, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in Brussels.
According to Turkey’s Foreign Ministry, the decisions made on Thursday at the extraordinary European Council summit on Turkey, along with some positive elements, have deviated from reality in many places.
At their summit, the leaders of the member states of the European Union decided to impose sanctions on Belarus due to the violent actions against the participants in the fraudulent presidential elections in September and the subsequent uprisings.
Belarus has imposed counter-sanctions against the European Union.
The European Council, which brings together the EU heads of state and government, nodded in agreement on the “new Marshall Plan” for Belarus, proposed by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on behalf of the Visegrad Group, the spokesman said. of the Polish government Piotr Müller.
Already, 34.2 million people have been infected with the coronavirus epidemic worldwide, with 1,021,765 deaths and 23.7 million recovered, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
US President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, tested positive for coronavirus. This was announced by the politician in Washington after one of his close advisers also tested positive for the virus.
The leaders of several countries expressed their best wishes to Donald Trump and wished a speedy recovery to the US president and his wife, who recently tested positive for the coronavirus.
In preparation for the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic, construction works on Serbian epidemic hospitals, which began in the summer, will soon be completed, Belgrade government officials announced.
In the Czech Republic, 3,493 new coronavirus infections were recorded, the largest daily increase to date.
The Polish Ministry of Health reports 2,292 new coronavirus infections, the highest daily increase since the start of the epidemic; the number of deaths is low and stable.
Fighting is raging along the entire front line in Nagorno-Karabakh with controversial affiliation.
Yerevan is ready to start talks on the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh through the mediation of the states participating in the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia. .
Twelve protesters were arrested during a rally against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Israeli media reported.
Roughly 3,000 migrants left Honduras for the United States, and more than two-thirds crossed the border into Guatemala without permission.
The fire continued to spread in the Amazon region and the Pantanal wetlands in the first nine months of 2020, although Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to deny it and blame NGOs and indigenous peoples for the deforestation.
So far, the police have acted in 599 cases for violating the protection measures established in a government decree in force since last week, said the deputy chief of the guard center of the operational strain responsible for controlling the coronavirus epidemic.
The Szeged District Court legally sentenced three Syrian nationals detained in Röszke on Wednesday, suspended by a group of migrants, to two years in prison after throwing stones at patrols.
The Kecskemét District Court imposed a suspended prison sentence in an expedited procedure, not legally, on two Austrian citizens and one Turkish citizen for human trafficking and expelled them from the country for three years.
Between September 1 and 28, 190 cases required the action of school guards, said the Headquarters of the National Police at the request of Népszava.
On Wednesday, police arrested members of a robbery ring, who looted more than 16 million guilders, the Pest County Police Headquarters reported.
A replacement bus will run in place of the M2 metro between Örs vezér tere and Puskás Ferenc Stadion for two consecutive weekends in October, BKK said.
In the summer season at Lake Balaton, more than 1.7 million people traveled by train to the Hungarian Sea before September 27, MÁV Zrt.
On the contrary, the Liege standard defeated the guest MOL Fehérvár 3: 1 in the last, fourth qualifying round of the European Football League, so the Belgian team made the main table and the Hungarian was eliminated.
Holender Filip will continue his career with Serbian leader Partizan Beograd.
Grundfos Tatabánya KC was placed in the same group as Gábor Császár’s team, Swiss champion Kadetten Schaffhausen, in the men’s handball Europa League main table draw.
Márton Fucsovics said goodbye to the men’s tournament of the French Open in the second round on the side of Britain’s Cameron Norrie.
