At the moment, the lower pier of Pest remains for pedestrians


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

“Until the end of October, the lower pier in Pest belongs to pedestrians and cyclists every weekend. The traffic-free pier, which was inaugurated in summer, will continue, so that all the inhabitants of the capital can try to navigate the banks of the Danube in autumn, “wrote the association, which has been campaigning for years to strengthen the connection between the city and the river. The team, known as organizers of the Szabihíd and Valyo Part, among others, had already suggested in our previous interview that the pier closed during the epidemic period should remain a car-free zone until the end of October.

“The good news is that the open pier is waiting for everyone this weekend too, and it will continue to be until it is canceled!”

Gergely Karácsony posted, not mentioning a specific time limit. The mayor recalled that, according to a Median poll, the majority of people support a car-free dock: 73 percent agree to stop car traffic on weekends, but even 59 percent approve of a total cessation. of traffic.

Christmas also wrote that on the Budapest community planning page, for a few more days, everyone can have a say on what the lower pier should look like.

And Valyo wrote: “This success is the success of all of us who ran outside, pedaled, sunbathed on the pier, participated in the traffic count, the Free Quay light painting, or voted on the municipal side where the pier is free. received 12,000 votes. “

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

