On Thursday, Gergely Karácsony asked the government to release epidemiological data on Budapest, the request has yet to be found with operational personnel. It turned out that the police typically took action against young people sitting on the terraces of rural fast-food restaurants.

coronavirus pandemic

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in the world already exceeds three million, more than two hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact of the epidemic is invaluable. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay tuned, read our series of articles.

The national medical director, Cecília Müller, did not appear at the press conference on Sunday, so Kristóf Gál, spokesperson for ORFK, listed the latest data. The number of confirmed infections increased to 3,263 (an increase of 50), another 8 people lost their lives and 413 people have already died. 933, on the other hand, were healed. More details here.

Tamás Schanda, Vice Minister of ITM, also attended the press conference and spoke about how many people used the presented grants. Viktor Orbán said Friday that 163,000 people will receive either a job search allowance or income replacement allowance (although the prime minister says they have not lost their jobs just because of the epidemic), they need to be given a job, Schanda said. The government has not yet given up on a job-based society.

According to data on Friday night, 3,953 employers applied for wage subsidies for 54,000 workers. The number of applications has almost multiplied by ten in a week, which according to Schanda shows that the tool is good. Every fourth application runs from Budapest and Pest County, followed by Hajdú-Bihar and Bács-Kiskun. Thirty percent of applicants are involved in commerce, and 13-13 percent in manufacturing, tourism, and hospitality. Sixty percent of the applicants are micro-businesses.

Lt. Col. Róbert Kiss takes the floor, saying that 336 officers in official quarantine at home can now be controlled by the police using the software installed on their phones on a voluntary basis. He also said that police had acted in 564 cases in the central region on Saturday for non-compliance with the curfew.

The Director General of the National Ambulance Service, Gábor Csató, also attended the press conference and, speaking about the work of the ambulances, revealed that

six paramedics were infected with coronavirus.

Ambulances took 40,000 samples (so far I have performed more than 100,000 laboratory tests across the country) and I treated 15,000 patients suspected of being infected or infected.

The next questions. Origo wondered what measures were in the field, where many sat on the terraces of various restaurants. Kiss said that in 147 cases, actions were taken for rapes, and they find that young people who do not observe the safe distance are mainly grouped on the terraces of fast food restaurants. At the request of Somogyi Hírlap, he presented the data from the county, where the young people gathered on the terrace of the fast food restaurant.

Tapo also asks for a touch, it turned out that 60-70 ambulances had been previously isolated due to the coronavirus, now there are 40.

The Fejér county newspaper wonders if sellers should also wear a mask in the store, and the answer in a nutshell is yes.

Finally, read 444.hu’s question if Christmas will receive the requested epidemiological data. This request has not yet been received by the Oprative tribe, says Róbert Kiss. He asked the government on Thursday to release data on the capital, saying he was wrong.

Hvg.hu did not receive any questions. We wanted to know

  • How many of the deceased in the capital and Pest County lived in a nursing home or other social institution, how typical are those who die outside of it due to a coronavirus, and where new infections were found in this region this week. (within an institution or in a separate location)?
  • Is it still considered necessary to maintain 60 percent of hospital beds for coronavirus cases? In relation to this, could it arise that any of those previously sent to the hospital?
  • What are your experiences in the first week of rural opening, how much has the number of infected people increased outside the institutions?
  • What is the explanation for the fact that a smaller number of all confirmed infected numbers were reported on koronavirus.gov.hu ​​for Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén and Heves counties today and Saturday than Friday?

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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