Gyula Pintér, 50, disappeared a year and a half ago, and since then her car and dog have been found.

The businessman Gyula Pintér de Maglód left his home on the afternoon of May 10, 2019, from his workshop in Gyömrő, with a 50-year-old man named Répa and his black Hummer H1 car, the police have not found a trace since.

The vehicle was returned to the yard of the man’s house in Maglód on the night of May 12, 2019 and his dog was found in Slovakia, but the contractor has not been available since, that is, for almost 17 months.

A photo of the man and his car was also posted on the police website.

Since the contractor’s disappearance, the police have been investigating an alleged homicide against a hitherto unknown perpetrator.

A fee of five million forint has now been set on the tracking leader for handcuffing the man’s killer.

The police request that anyone with relevant information about the perpetrator, his current location or the crime should call the activity management center of the Pest County Police Headquarters at 06-1-236-2883 or inform the telephone 06 -80- 555-111 or 112 central emergency number.

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Márki-Zay offers a tracer award to anyone who disguises voter fraud
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To ensure the purity of the elections, the Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, Péter Márki-Zay, will offer a follow-up fee of HUF 250,000 per person to those who report electoral fraud practices.

They search for the mother of the dead baby found in Tótkomlós with a trail guide award
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The Békés County Police Chief offered HUF 500,000. The baby was found wrapped in a nylon bag.