Nébih drew attention to the fact that the seeds also contain dirt and pests, so do not use them in the one whose mailbox has received a mysterious package.

In early August, unsolicited packages containing seeds from China reached US mailboxes.At that time, authorities asked residents not to plant them, and now the Hungarian Food Safety Authority (Nébih ) asks Hungarians to do the same: they know that packages from third countries often contain seeds of more than one species and can be dangerous.

It was also noted in the call that investigations occasionally found plant debris, soil debris, dead insect larvae and associated contaminants, as well as fungal infection in packages.

Attention was also drawn to the fact that these could pose a threat to domestic wildlife and agriculture, as they could result in the introduction of various invasive species, plant diseases or noxious weeds.

They also urge you to include the contents of the packages.

  • under no circumstances should it be planted by the person who received it,
  • do not feed the animals
  • don’t throw it down the drain
  • or to the municipal waste collection point.

In view of the serious risk, Nébih urges all those who have received or will receive such packages to:

deliver them to the plant and soil protection department of the competent county government office, but at least notify the authority of the arrival of the package.

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Suspicious Chinese Seeds Hit Americans' Mailboxes


The authorities ask not to accidentally plant unsolicited seeds.