The Prime Minister spoke before Parliament’s agenda, also about the coronavirus and the negotiations in the European Union.

Our article is being updated.

Viktor Orbán spoke in front of Parliament’s agenda, reacting to last week’s agreement in Brussels and the situation in Europe. He said everyone hoped for the recovery fund proposed by the German presidency (which Orbán repeatedly referred to as a rescue package) that could handle the loss of the UK by the European Union.

“The German proposal was to take out a loan together and create a recovery fund from it. Every penny of this is a loan that must be repaid, and those who cannot pay have to face the others, “he said, adding that he did not think Hungarians were happy at all.

According to Orbán, the recovery fund should be subject to political conditions, and “common sense prevailed last weekend, we defended the sovereignty of Hungary and the money of the Hungarians,” Orbán said, thanking Poland for its camaraderie, which part of the ruling parliament began to applaud.

(Orbán spoke here about enforcing the rule of law, so the governments of Hungary and Poland wanted to veto it. Although, according to Orbán, success was achieved, political scientist Dániel Hegedűs said in an interview with floating the veto was a tactical error. he said, and the myth of Orbán’s infallibility must be forgotten).


According to Orbán, while the country receives the money it deserves, it has managed to prevent the influx of immigrants and also penalize any country for not allowing a migrant.

“The agreement is an encouraging result for the future of Europe, because it has become clear that the European Union can only succeed as a community of nations. What was at stake in the debate was who will rule Europe in the future: the governments elected by the member states, or György Soros, will be able to impose their own system of power in Europe, which we know very well here in Hungary ”, he said, then listed among other MEPs and NGOs. There are international organizations besides Soros.

According to Orban, governments woke up at the last minute, Europe maintained unity and won.

The Prime Minister took out the migrant card again, spoke of 34 million migrants in principle to be resettled, who would be given the right to vote by the EU, and then mentioned a gender action plan. “Instead of gender, it is necessary to strengthen the traditional family model,” he emphasized.

He promised the first round of the arrival of the coronavirus vaccines for the last days of December, and said that instead of the political fight, Hungarian interests would be prioritized when acquiring the vaccine, but in the meantime he asked everyone to persevere. (It turned out from the daily operational strain information that the BioNTech / Pfizer vaccine may be the first to arrive in Hungary, but a massive amount is expected only next year.)

Opposition reactions come

Bertalan Tóth of the MSZP was the first to respond to Viktor Orbán’s speech before the agenda. He said: “We should be ashamed of you, because what has happened in recent weeks means that we are being talked about in Europe and not in a positive way.”

He raised the gesture of Tamás Deutsch (which is why several members of the Popular Party want to exclude Tamás Deutsch), the naziization of Szilárd Demeter, József Szájer’s “party” in Brussels, and the veto. “You have blackmailed European citizens, but it is clear that this has not been such a good result for you. From Europe’s point of view, yes, since the fund that can be used can also give hope to Hungarian citizens, ”he said, then drew attention to the fact that it is not just a loan, as part of he is non-refundable money. In the end, he asked Orban not to fight Brussels, but to fight the virus.

The dialogic Tímea Szabó drew attention to the fact that the mechanism of the rule of law did not soften anything, then he addressed Orbán’s general criticism, according to which he spreads post-Christianity: “Post-Christianity means? “He asked, referring again only to the misfortune of József Szájer, then he said that the gender proposal that Orbán considered problematic was only that women had to earn as much as men.

According to László László Keresztes of the LMP, the scandalous cases of recent days have shown the true face of Fidesz, but I would rather not bring them up: “We believe that a veto can be a legitimate tool in EU policy if they want to protect themselves. the interests of the Hungarians. You risked the money that the Hungarian economy needs due to the criteria of the rule of law, ”he said, adding that there was no question of migration in the European debates, and Orbán was fighting Soros for Chinese or multi-German gain.

After that, DK President Ferenc Gyurcsány came and spoke about “if we talk to our voters at this level, we will despise them. The government does not understand what is happening around them or does not want to respond ”. He said the government’s policy was defeated and showed, through a historical American example, how much joint loans can contribute.

“Those in Europe who have said there will be a more common world have won this.” Gyurcsány interrupted his speech several times due to the fall of his microphone, over which government representatives laughed.

Right-wing Jakab Péter also referred to Szájer’s misfortune, which is why the politician said that Orbán “narrowed his eyes” in the debate on the rule of law and then, returning to the epidemic situation, asked if we were fully armed and waiting for the second wave, where were those weapons.

The leader of the KDNP faction, István Simicskó, saw Orbán’s achievements in Europe as a success, and the leader of the Fidesz faction, Máté Kocsis, said that there is no other government in Europe that has such opposition.

“They want to take money from the Hungarians, they support themselves and write articles. The epidemic is raging, and they themselves are celebrating its most damaging effects. There are no people like you, ”he said, and then turned to Bertalan Tóth, saying that he forgot to be ashamed of his cocaine smoker, smuggler and cigarette thief, and accused the opposition of anti-Semitism, which he said the other parties had replaced Jobbik. “We are the only political community in Hungary that cannot be pressured from outside,” he said.

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