The Prime Minister has long managed to queue as long as he did this morning on Kossuth radio.

In Viktor Orbán’s morning radio interview, no promises or announcements were made, but something surprising: he had been vehemently aligned for a long time.

The prime minister, of course, did: he typically linked his struggles with the European Union to Soros anyway, but now the businessman has entered the debate with an article published Thursday that says that despite Orbán’s budget veto , the rule of law must be maintained.

In the first two minutes alone, György Soros said five times. First for his article, and then, of course, it turned out that he pays everyone who is against the Hungarians. This first two-minute performance is amazing because it already includes host Katalin Nagy’s lecture. The last time there was an example of a similar one was in early 2019, when it surpassed its Friday production by thirteen in five minutes.

Orbán was almost able to maintain the level for the next 2.5 minutes, when Soros climbed four more times, but for the tenth time he had to wait longer than the first five minutes. It is worth noting that he also received a token before the 10th Soros: “An unscrupulous man, the son of our country.”

Then the first wave came down relatively quickly in the interview (followed by the need for restrictive measures and the vaccine), but like the coronavirus, it came to life: in the last four minutes of the 24-minute interview, the “main enemy” reappeared. “: Orbán referred to him as” our fellow Hungarian waist. “

So in the entire interview, 13 Soros hung out, on average he could have mentioned Orban every less than a minute and a half.

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