According to the Secretary of State, it is worth following the WHO recommendations when testing for coronaviruses, but based on this, it is not enough that they are being tested in Hungary.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to reimpose restrictions, although the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

What is the coronavirus testing capacity in the country? – Tímea Szabó asked Miklós Kásler written questions about this. Instead of the minister, Secretary of State Bence Rétvári replied, and although he did not say how many tests could be performed, 444 noted that the response showed that very little tests were being performed.

Rétvári wrote:

“When determining the daily number of tests, the WHO recommendation should take into account that the proportion of daily positive tests should not exceed 5%.”

However, since 9/11, the proportion of positive tests has exceeded 5 percent every day. True, he didn’t add this anymore, he just wrote that the daily numbers can be followed on

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According to Rétvári, the token tax and daily physical education are mature

At home

Referring to Eurostat data, Bence Rétvári said that the number of years spent in Hungary has increased. The data improvement is due, among other things, to daily physical education and the reform of the canteens, he said.

Rétvári: 4 million more Hungarians have reservations for an unexpected release


According to the Secretary of State, Hungary is in a much more stable situation than ten years ago.