The award-winning actors Kossuth and Jászai Mari were buried in Gödöllő.

Friends, colleagues and colleagues said goodbye on Saturday at the Gödöllő House of the Arts to the actor awarded by Kossuth and Mari-Jászai, Ildikó Pécsi, a worthy and outstanding artist, honorary citizen of Gödöllő. At the funeral home installed in the theater room, the general public was able to show their grace from 8 am to 12 pm Later, a compilation of photos and films revived the figure of Ildikó Pécsi in the private farewell, which could be followed live on the city’s Facebook page.

Ilona Bencze Mari Jászai, actress, director and artist worthy of the award, says goodbye to Ildikó Pécsi

At the funeral, her colleague and friend, actress Ilona Bencze, was the first to say goodbye to Shakespeare XV. with his sonnet. Then, on behalf of the National Association of Actors MASZK, the actor Zsuzsa Pálos, a member of the board, said goodbye. He recalled that in an interview, Ildikó Pécsi testified about the essence of his art: “the service of acting, the public or, if you will, service to the community, must be subordinated to everything, individual ambition, vanity, talent, success “. As he noted, few of his colleagues did as much for their colleagues as he did. He owes his professional pension and has been a board member of the Theater Workers’ Union for decades.

Actor Papadimitriu Athina said goodbye on behalf of his fellow actors, collaborators and friends. He recalled: Ildikó Pécsi participated in many of her productions and experienced how good it is to work with her. Farewell to Ildikó Pécsi, György Gémesi, Mayor of Gödöllő, stressed that countless theatrical performances, television games and films preserve his art for the future, which is why he was deservedly elected permanent member of the Society of Immortals. Ildikó Pécsi lived with them the daily life of the city, was present at all events, helped in the work of the cultural workshops in Gödöllő and always gladly fulfilled requests.

Director Miklós Szinetár, who was a professor at Ildikó Pécsi at the Faculty of Theater and Film Arts, recalled many memories of the actor. As he said, Ildikó Pécsi was an extraordinary phenomenon. “He was extraordinarily a lover of life, he fit the stage, he was beautiful, it was a pleasure to look at him. But not only because he was beautiful, but also because he was so talented,” he said, emphasizing that he also played very well in Gorky and Moliere. “It was a round life that was successful and most importantly, it was very useful,” he said, adding: it was used by society, by its viewers, it had meaning in his life.

Former class teacher Miklós Szinetár


Csaba L. Péterfi, Istvan Szucs, the Percussion Ensemble and the teachers of Talamba Gödöllői Frédéric Chopin Music AMI participated in the commemoration.

Ildikó Pécsi died on December 5, in the 81st year of his life.

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