Two 34-year-old men also died of complications from Covid-19 disease, according to data released Friday.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Although the new infection data and the death of 65 people due to complications from the Covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus, a total of 1,699 since the beginning of the epidemic, were published before 9 am on the government information page about the epidemic. published.

Two of the 34-year-old men were the youngest among those who died in Friday’s data series. One of them reportedly had asthma and epilepsy as an underlying disease, but the other did not report it. “There is no data at the moment,” says the list.

In addition, three other deceased had the same information: an 80-year-old man and two 63-year-old men.

The oldest victim was a 96-year-old woman. He battled dementia, high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease, according to published data.

The median age of the deceased who appeared on the list on Friday was 72.66 years.

The youngest fatality in the epidemic to date was 20 years old.

65 coronavirus patients died and 3,286 new infections were recorded

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has not announced a new adjustment, but said the police will “act with force” starting Monday to enforce the rules for wearing a mask. He also spoke that the first dose of the vaccine could come by the end of the year, with chronic patients and the most vulnerable elderly getting vaccinated first. Vaccination against the coronavirus is possible in Hungary in April, according to Orbán.

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The government is only looking at statistics that are good for the coronavirus

Judit Windisch – Béla Mihály Kacskovics
At home

In terms of EU countries, Hungary is at the forefront of the recent death toll per million people. However, the government communication has remained calm, stating that it is not looking at this but the epidemic as a whole, so the overall picture remains favorable due to the mild spring wave. The main question is how long more serious closures can be avoided.

Joo Hajnalka
At home

Not only are medical chambers and virologists who have previously advised the government pushing for stricter epidemiological measures, but several representatives of Fidesz and KDNP are also reducing their protection, which is almost limited to wearing a mask. According to pro-government politicians interviewed by, the “life must go the old wheel” approach has become obsolete, and if Orbán still does not initiate reasonable restrictions, they will be asked to do so themselves.