Suspected coronavirus infection was reported from 60 to 70 institutions.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Out of 6,000 educational institutions, four kindergartens and six schools have had to take extraordinary breaks due to the coronavirus disease so far, said Zoltán Maruzsa, Secretary of State for Public Education at the Ministry of Human Resources, on M1. The numbers are increasing, not long before the director of the Klebelsberg Center, Gabriella Hajnal, only spoke of four schools.

Maruzsa said that they still do not see the need for a full transition to digital education, but instead monitor institutions and take specific actions.

He said that education started in all parts of Europe according to traditional working hours, and the Hungarian government also believes that digital education is an “emergency solution”, traditional education is “more effective in all areas”.

They constantly receive data from the National Center for Public Health and reports from educational institutions. If necessary, according to the developed protocol, an extraordinary pause for 2-3 days is first ordered until it is determined whether the quarantine of the infected student has managed to stop the spread of the epidemic.

If doctors literally follow the prescription, schools could be left empty

The asymptomatic students had to sit at home for 10 days without getting tested because it turned out that someone they were camping with was coronavirus. According to the president of the Association of Home Pediatricians, it is not an individual case, but a medical decision derived from the epidemiological protocol. The problem can affect not only students but also teachers. The government says that the protocol is good, it is not necessary to change it.

Currently, 60 to 70 institutions in particular are being monitored, of which a suspected coronavirus infection has been reported. In his opinion, an important part of them will reveal that no further action is needed and a pause will have to be ordered.

He said that there is an institution where the entire faculty has been quarantined and where, therefore, they are switching to digital education as of Monday. He added that it is hoped that after a week or two, normal teaching can resume there as well. Although these schools do not have a name, the press revealed that they would switch to digital education in Mohács starting Monday after the teachers were quarantined.

Zoltán Maruzsa also spoke about the fact that the experience of spring is worth taking advantage of. Back then, infection rates were extremely scattered across the country, there were places where the infection started, stopping at a dozen or two in other counties. In counties with low infection rates, educational institutions can operate safely, as there is no one near or far who can bring the virus to school.

The Secretary of State also said that evaluating all the teachers – 170,000 educators – would be a big logistical task, but it would also yield results in two to three days, as teachers meet people again and again outside of school and, therefore, they become infected at any time.

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