Budapest contacted the White House for closer cooperation.

Following the official result of the US elections, Gergely Karácsony congratulated President Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, then the only future foreign minister of Hungarian origin. Blinken responded to the mayor in a letter Wednesday.

The Foreign Minister thanked the words of support and said he looked forward to working together to deepen their relationship and promote their interests. According to Blinken, together they can overcome many global crises.

According to the Secretary of State of the United States, people have never depended so much on leaders as they do now, and therefore he believes it is their duty to create a peaceful future based on prosperity and freedom.

“I am convinced that the policies of the new American administration will have a positive impact on the whole world, whether it be climate protection, international coordination in the fight against the epidemic or the rule of law and democracy. We will work to contribute to this at the city level. to the new and hopeful dynamic “- wrote Gergely Karácsony on Facebook.

The mayor indicated that his colleagues had already contacted officials from the White House and the State Department to strengthen cooperation between Budapest and the new US administration.

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The appointment of Chancellor Antony Blinken as Chancellor approved


Joe Biden’s new Secretary of State was also voted in by several Republican members of the Senate.

Antony Blinken: Guitar Hero Foreign Minister Candidate

Weekly HVG

Real Profits has chosen Joe Biden as one of its key advisers to manage foreign affairs. 58-year-old Antony Blinken will have a lot to do with eliminating the destruction caused by Donald Trump in international politics and in America’s trial. He attaches great importance to democratic values, freedom of expression and human rights, knows Europe well and sees Russia and China as common rivals of Washington and its allies, so the Orbán government will have a different voice and much stronger in diplomatic channels than the Orbán government. last four years.