
Teen Victoria

Those who wanted to self-administer the four-component vaccine are in a bundle, and Vaxigrip is not available in pharmacies.

The state bought Hungarian stocks of Sanofi’s flu vaccine Vaxigrip Tetra in Hungary, thus not going to pharmacies or private vaccination centers for the vaccine, discovered from various sources.

According to information received by our National Vaccine Center, the Vaxigrip Tetra kit they ordered arrived in the country earlier this week, but the manufacturer stopped delivering it for government reasons. Exactly what this means, they haven’t received more information about it yet, they promised an explanation on Monday.

A 24.huThe company reported that it is a vaccine in the hundreds of thousands. THE His popular words Andrea Asztalos, communications director for Sanofi-Aventis Zrt., Said the state’s goal is to allow GPs to vaccinate as widely as possible.

That means a lot of people and companies

Although he ordered Sanofi vaccinated, they will not be able to give it to themselves or to employees for now.

The government has repeatedly called for everyone to get vaccinated against the flu, because if the coronavirus and the flu pandemic break out in the country at the same time, they could put extraordinary pressure on the health system. So they decided that this year, not only those at risk, but everyone will receive the vaccine for free.

The Hungarian-made 3Fluart vaccine is available from GPs, of which 1.3 million are in the country, and reached GPs and occupational doctors’ offices last week. It is still questionable where Sanofi’s reserved shares would be used. We have sent our questions to the National Center for Public Health as soon as they receive their answers, we will update our article.

According to the GP we interviewed, the difference between the two vaccines is that Vaxigrip is a four component vaccine that contains a cleaved virus optimized for an infectious virus in a given year, while Fluart contains a “killed virus”. The split virus prevents disease, triggers the necessary immune response, but does not contain the components that are responsible for more unpleasant side effects in the killed virus.

The national medical director, Cecília Müller, said earlier in the briefing of the operational staff that with one type of vaccine, Sanofi’s four-component vaccine, children 6 to 35 months would receive two vaccines, adults would receive two type vaccines. A and a type B. provides protection against a strain of influenza. Type A influenza generally appears as an epidemic, so vaccination provides adequate protection in the event of an epidemic.

The medical director suggested that they contact their GP by phone, who would give them a time when they would not be in contact with the patient traffic in the waiting room.

Anyway, the National Vaccine Center prefers to wait for its clients because

  • Access to vaccines in public health is currently a great challenge based on the information they have,
  • the four component vaccine is of a different quality than the free vaccine,
  • many go to the doctor with symptoms of Covid-19, which also endangers patients who come to the institution to receive the vaccine.

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According to Hungarian virologists, it is better to order a flu shot this year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and leading professional organizations are encouraging people to get vaccinated against the flu because it can reduce the burden on health. This is because hospitals have to deal with coronavirus cases as well, while flu season is coming soon.

1.3 million flu vaccines are available

According to Emmi, presumably only half of the stock will be depleted.