Russian babett

The circle is closed, it is becoming more and more desperate that something reveals the details of Péter Szijjártó’s luxury navigation on the Adriatic.

As our newspaper reported for the first time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade was denounced by an unknown individual after he was photographed by Transparent on August 18 on László Szjj’s luxury yacht, Lady MRD. The head of the ministry later called the details of his vacation a private matter and claimed that he had fully complied with all the laws that applied to him.

Although the details of the report are not public, Péter Polt, the chief prosecutor, revealed the question to Ágnes Vadai: the prosecution rejected it. The information was also confirmed by the prosecution to, but its details were not disclosed.

But so much has been revealed that

the report was for the crime of accepting bribery and was committed as a result of another crime,

the rejection decision was made on August 29 in the absence of a crime.

The circle is closed

It seems that over time it will become increasingly desperate if something is revealed about the details of Péter Szijjártó’s luxurious yacht in the Adriatic. Our newspaper also contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (KKM) on the matter, but they did not provide any substantial information either.

In their response, they wrote that “the Minister’s family vacations do not involve public money in any way” and added that for this reason the Ministry does not have data of public interest on “private travel” and therefore cannot be considered a body of data management.

Furthermore, the MoE repeated only the usual panels:

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Relations has always complied with and is complying with all laws, even during his leave, “and the holidays themselves are a matter of privacy, and everyone has the right to privacy.”

They wrote.

We also ask the ministry to send us the rules that apply when an employee receives a gift. They responded that a ministerial order (27/2017 (VII. 13.)) establishes the rules of conduct for the acceptance of gifts, paragraph 16 of which establishes that ministry employees must comply, among others, with the following:

  • refrain from accepting any gift that may give rise to a presumption of intention to influence the donor’s work;
  • notify your immediate superior immediately if you have received a gift with the intention of influencing the performance of your job;
  • In the case of gifts with a value greater than 10 percent of the current salary base in the country and abroad, or that are not considered a dispersed gift, the recipient is obliged to establish the value of the gift and inform his immediate superior .
  • In this case, the department head will immediately notify the Integrity Advisor electronically, who will investigate the matter.

We do not know if this was the case with Szijjártó, we also asked the ministry, but they have not yet responded. Although it is also a fact: it is not yet clear if he received the trip as a gift. In any event, he couldn’t afford it on the basis of his declaration of assets.

In the case, Jobbik also initiated an asset declaration procedure, but according to its announcement, the Fidesz chairman of the immunity committee did not put the issue on the agenda, so this initiative also died.

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Szijjártó has been denounced for a luxury boat, the case is in the Central Prosecutor's Office

Russian babett
At home

The chancellor was on vacation on László Szjj’s luxury yacht so that he had no money for it, according to his declaration of assets, but if he received the trip as a gift, it could raise corruption problems. Szijjártó has not provided an explanation so far, but someone has reported it. It is a question of what, if anything, the prosecutor’s office will get.

He answered the questions surrounding his helicopter with a gripping question.
At home

According to the Foreign Minister, if there were no helicopters, he should have chosen, for example, among the Hungarian party candidates on the other side of the border and a transfer in Berettyóújfalu.