One of the representatives of the Democratic Coalition asked through Péter Polt why the court building was closed during the divorce proceedings of Lőrinc Mészáros and his wife. The Attorney General assessed the matter as a report.

Gergely Arató, deputy for the Central Parliament, asked the Attorney General a written question about what happened in court during Lőrinc Mészáros’s divorce claim. Referring to press reports, the politician wrote that by the time of the trial, the entire Buda Central District Court building had been hermetically sealed, with no entry or exit even for the officials working there and those summoned.

According to Reaper, if this is true, then there could have been several violations that are not allowed under the rule of law.

A non-public, unprotected official, an individual in order to close down a public institution intended to serve public funds and in the public interest may raise the question of on what specific legal basis, to whom, with what instructions or provisions, through what legal provision the free movement of persons who intend to enter and leave and of those who remain there, delayed or prevented from carrying out their official business

– written by.

According to the representative, a suspicion of violation of personal liberty may arise in the case, but if an official has ordered the restrictions, there may even be a suspicion of abuse of office. He also added that it would be important to know who, on what grounds, why and in reference to the law, restricted the functioning of the independent judiciary.

Péter wanted to know through Péter Polt if the prosecution was investigating the legality of the measures or if an investigation had been launched into the case.

The Attorney General replied to the opposition deputy that he had assessed his question as a report and forwarded it to the Budapest Police Headquarters, where he would decide whether to investigate the matter.

On September 16, the first trial of Lőrinc Mészáros and Csilla Beatrix Csilla Mészárosné Kelemen took place. The couple announced in a statement issued through MTI on September 4 that they are “initiating a judicial settlement of the marriage.” It was written that this was decided in full agreement and there was no dispute between them in the decisions required for the divorce.

Butcher vs. Butcher: What are the risks of divorce?

Lőrinc Mészáros announced his divorce; As a result of the expected split, hundreds of billions of guilders in assets may change hands and be transformed, and at the same time, the economic background of the National Cooperation System may become even more opaque.

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Lőrinc Mészáros founded a new company during the divorce

The new son of the empire was called KPE Asset and Property Kft. It deals with wealth management.

The divorce lawsuit of Mészáros Lőrincék starts

The couple had an appearance in the Buda Central District Court on Wednesday morning.