Seventy-four road developments are beginning to be planned. Another four-lane highway to Transylvania is being built, new bridges are being built, and a new corridor is being built between the M1 and M7.

The government will provide 82 billion HUF for the preparation of new motorway, highway, bypass, crossings and bridge developments, so that planning for seventy-four new road developments can begin, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) said on Sunday. ) to MTI.

According to the announcement, the planned highway developments include the continuation of the M2 highway after Vác to the national border. The supported projects include the preparation of the M44 section of the Békéscsaba to Kecskemét motorway, the M49 motorway from the M3 motorway to the Romanian border, with which the third four-lane connection will be established in the direction of Transylvania, and the M81 motorway. It will establish a north-south motorway between the M1 and M7, further from Budapest, touching Székesfehérvár. The quality of road connections between Szombathely and neighboring cities (Körmend, Kőszeg) will also be improved.

Several preparatory projects form the basis for the four-lane sections of the main roads in, for example, Debrecen, Jászberény, Kecskemét, Nagykanizsa, Veszprém and Zalaegerszeg. Roads from Ajka to Zirc are being built in many settlements, which would alleviate internal sections of the road.

A new bridge can be built over the Danube in Mohács and Vác, over the Tisza in Szolnok and Szeged, and over the Sgamos in Sgamossályi. In addition, planning of motorways and major road junctions will begin, including at Balatonfüred, Gödöllő, Kunszentmárton and Üllő.

The latest commitment will cover costs related to preparing investments between 2021 and 2026, which amount to more than HUF 26 billion next year alone. By providing the resource, it has become possible to finance and thus implement the next phase of work necessary for the progress of the projects. The resources needed for possible later stages of preparation, and then for implementation, can be raised through new government decisions, according to the statement.

László Mosóczi, ITM Secretary of State for Transport Policy, said that the total budget for the Roads Program, launched in 2016, was HUF 3.2 billion, with initial preparations for preparing another HUF 3 billion for development. of roads. In the planned investments, some 1,200 kilometers of new and developed road sections can be established, including some 560 kilometers of four-lane highways.

The announcement also recalls that the government has already allocated around 430 billion guilders for the implementation of four road developments in a government decision in November. Between 2021 and 2024, the section of the M76 motorway between Fenékpuszta and Zalaegerszeg will be built, and the M6 ​​motorway will be completed with the construction of the section between Bóly and Ivándárda. The source also covers the four-lane section of the Szerencs-Gesztely section of main road 37 and the costs of the construction of the Sajószentpeter-Berente ring road.

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