The government is preparing for an even more serious epidemic than the one mentioned in November.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections a day had been identified and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

The Minister of Human Resources, Miklós Kásler, told InfoRádió that there could be between 27 and 30 thousand patients with coronavirus in the hospital around December 10, in addition to 5 thousand infected patients in the intensive care unit.

According to this, the numbers are worse than what Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on November 6 on Kossuth Radio. At that time, Orbán also mentioned around December 10, according to the calculations before him, there could be 30-32 thousand people in the hospital, 4480 of them could require intensive care.

If any of them are right, it would spell a dramatic deterioration in the current situation, as according to the coronavir information page, there were 582 people on a ventilator, in an intensive care unit on Monday, and Prime Minister Viktor said Monday. Orbán after a meeting of the operative tribe.

there are 13,049 free hospital beds and 1,634 intensive care beds for covid patients.

Orbán did not give more details about the fact that from 1634 beds make 4.5-5 thousand in three weeks.

Latest statistics

Kassler also spoke about the fact that there is still no “causal therapy” to treat people in the hospital, that is, a drug that would kill the virus itself, but some drugs relieve symptoms and speed healing. In Hungary favipiravir, remdesivir, thrombosis prophylaxis, and steroids have been used from the outset. No changes have been needed since this spring, but as knowledge has expanded, treatment has been adjusted.

As for the coronavirus vaccine, Kasler said there are “hopeful competitors” among them, but there are still many open questions, such as how effective these drugs are. In any case, the minister is confident that a limited number of vaccinations can start in Europe later this year. He said the vaccines will be completely controlled at home, including their effectiveness and side effects.

He also spoke about whether there will be vaccination, giving priority to health and social care workers, the elderly, and law enforcement and administrative workers who can come into direct contact with those infected. They are followed by people aged 18 to 59 with chronic diseases at higher risk.

Starting vaccination does not mean that you can immediately get rid of the epidemiological rules.

Kassler cooled his spirits.

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Orbán: 1634 intensive beds available for patients with coronavirus
At home

Intensive care units have three times more space than is needed now, according to the prime minister.

Orbán: 2240 intensive beds on November 21, 4480 in December, this is the performance limit
At home

They may decide to postpone non-urgent surgeries within hours, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Kossuth Radio. According to the forecast it describes, the number of people treated in the intensive care unit will double in three weeks, with 30-32 thousand people with coronavirus in the hospital in mid-December instead of the current 5,000.