Lajos Mészáros told the letter sent by him only makes recommendations.

Many do not agree with the law on the legal status of the health service, which was passed by the National Assembly at the speed of light. Rita Lénárd, vice president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK), called it uncritical that they were given just three hours to comment on the bill. In its current form, the law, which takes effect on January 1, includes a significant three-step increase in doctors’ salaries, which is why the government is asking a lot. The MOK has previously passed point by point on what they consider modifiable or completely unacceptable.

Those who protest against the law are also trying to express it on Facebook; they use the motto “Free EÜ” and change their profile picture. At the same time, the director of the St. Pantaleon Hospital in Dunaújváros, Lajos Mészáros, who did not like the movement, did not like the movement. The letter was sent by Mészáros to the chief doctors and nurses, reminding them that the institution was designated a Covid Hospital since October 5, which “puts extreme pressure on our care capacity, especially our human resources.”

A letter from the CEO to describes. In this, Lajos Mészáros writes, among other things, that

Like almost everything today, this situation is becoming politicized and some are trying to forge political capital out of it. In such a situation, I find the political demonstrations of our employees on social media unworthy. I’m mainly thinking about the changes in the profile image called Free Eü ”.

Next, the director general asks the chief doctors and nurses to draw the attention of subordinates: “at this moment we are living a period of joint effort, our professional work is politically independent, it seems to me unworthy of public tensions to raise tensions policies in this regard on social networks ”.

A He exchanged a few words with the Director General, who said that he did not consider the political division of the staff adequate because “our hospital cares for patients with COVID, which requires an extraordinary effort from our staff and generates a high degree of physical and mental stress” and “our activities the apolitical and the interests of patients come first for us.”

Mészáros also affirmed that there are no sanctions for those who still change their profile, and that the circular was limited to making a recommendation, “it tried to understand a system of criteria with the workers, it did not contemplate sanctions and did not prohibit any political expression.”

(Our featured image is an illustration.)

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