Provisional municipal elections were held on Sunday in five municipalities.

In Hajdúszoboszló, in the eighth individual constituency (EVK), Kálmán Jónás (independent) won the elections with 47 percent (350 votes) of valid votes, with a significant difference, Balázs Nagy (Fidesz-KDNP-Hajdúszoboszló Gazdakör-MI Hajdúszoboszló) 36.5 percent (272 votes), Tibor Kovács (Momentum), who finished third and also supported the MSZP and Diálogo, won 16.5 percent (123 votes), Debreciner writes based on data from the local election office.

Kálmán Jónás was a local government representative on Jobbik’s compensation list between 2014 and 2019, but withdrew from the party along with several of his former members before last year’s local government elections. In 2019, he already competed as an independent in the same EVK, but then he was 53 votes (4 percent) behind the winner, Péter Endre Török.

Derks Wilhelmus Josephus, an independent candidate, was elected mayor of Egyházasrádóc in Vas County. Provisional elections had to be held in the settlement because the former village leader resigned in May for health reasons. Derks Wilhelmus Josephus received 310 votes, 216 voted for Zoltán Sőre, 197 voted for Tamás Szvoboda and 11 for Sándor Gábor Dobronics.

In Istvándi, Somogy County, Jolán Bereczkiné Pavelka, an independent candidate, won the mayoral elections.

Of the 373 voters in the town between Szigetvár and Barcs, 243 went to the polls. The interim election was necessary because the former mayor of Istvándi was sentenced in March to a final prison term for a crime committed before his election. With this, the head of the settlement lost his right to vote, his position was ceased.

Miklós Balogh (independent) became mayor of Alsószentmárton in Baranya county. Of the four independent candidates, Miklós Balogh obtained 315 votes, Tibor Petrovics 279, Olivér Gligulics 68 and Péter Acél 21 votes. Of the 824 eligible voters, 697 voted and 16 voters did not vote.

In the Ormánság settlement, in the south of the Baranya region, the interim election was necessary because the independent mayor of the town, László Budai, elected last October, resigned in February. In connection with this, the General Court of Pécs informed the MTI in January that he had been sentenced to a suspended prison term for dishonest treatment as an instigator.

The voting date was originally set for June 7, but due to the provisions of the Corona Virus Epidemic Control Act, the interim election was lost at that time.

József Sándor, who was also independent, became mayor of Vizslás in Nógrád county, and six local government representatives were elected out of 18 candidates. The provisional municipal election had to be called because the town council was dissolved on June 25.

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Suspended received by the mayor, possibly sentenced to prison - provisional elections in 5 municipalities

At home

Five municipalities will hold interim municipal elections on Sunday. Voters are asked to bring their own ballpoint pen to vote.

On Sunday, they will make up for several lost provisional elections in the spring.

At home

Seven municipalities will have interim municipal elections on Sunday. Now several votes are taking place that should have been in the spring but had to be postponed due to an epidemiological emergency.