According to the university leadership, all the essential elements of autonomy have been abolished, so they are forced to leave.

Our article is updated

The leadership and the Senate of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) also resigned on Monday, as announced at a press conference by László Upor, the vice-rector. The decision was based on the fact that the new founding document deprived the university leadership and the Senate of all powers.

In addition to Upor from September 1

  • Eszter Novák Vice-Rector for Education,
  • Rector Gábor Németh Councilor,
  • László Bagossy, Institute of Theater Arts,
  • and Gábor Balázs, director of the Institute of Cinema and Media,
  • and all elected members of the Senate.

The basic documents of the university, which were retained by the foundation, were sent to the rector last week by Attila Vidnyánszky, president of the Board, according to which the Senate, the main decision-making body of the university,

  • cannot decide on its own rules,
  • you can’t interfere with the budget,
  • cannot adopt your institutional development plan,
  • you cannot elect the rector of the university,
  • He does not have the right to independently appoint institute directors and department directors to start classes.

With this, the management said that all essential elements of autonomy were removed. According to its announcement on Friday night, those proposed by the university were not included in the basic documents, nor were they discussed with them.

László Upor spoke on Monday about the fact that they could only maintain the appearance of leadership at the cost of unacceptable compromises. “They control the running of the university over our heads.” According to the deputy rector, it is not possible to cooperate with the recently appointed board of directors (which did not include a delegate from the SZFE), since “it accompanied its entrants with select contempt and carried out the process of changing the model without consultation.” Upor read his brief statement from the paper, which he finally threw down in his chair, and at the end of his speech was applauded by the instructors and students present.

It turned out that they would stay in the university as teachers, as Upor said on the question: I would like to choose the two separately, “the most important thing for us is teaching.” No new departures have been reported – so far Gábor Zsámbéki, Gábor Székely and Máté Gáspár, the former director of the Institute for Art Theory and Mediation – have announced their dismissal.

Upor says that everyone decides individually whether to continue with education after this or not. Eszter Novák also stated at the press conference that a constitutional complaint is being presented for the violation of the autonomy of the university.

Answering a question, it also turned out that Attila Vidnyánszky had not said anything so far.

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