We still have to prepare for the fickle spring weather, we can expect another warm-up by the end of next week.

  • A cold front is approaching: the wind will be strong and stormy several times, the temperature will drop by about 10 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, and in some places it will be necessary to prepare for the snow. However, by the end of the weekend, the weather is already warming up, according to the national medium-term forecast from the National Weather Service.
  • On Monday Predominantly sunny and rainless weather is expected primarily in northern counties with cumulus clouds. However, from late afternoon, clouds rise from the northwest, the sky falls, and in the late afternoon, shortly before midnight, precipitation is expected in more and more places in the north-western parts of Transdanubia; first rain, which can be quickly replaced by snowfall and then snow. During the day, the wind strengthens over a large area, then from dusk along the incoming cold front, it turns northwest in the northwestern part of Transdanubia and intensifies into storms. At dawn the temperature is usually between minus 4 and plus 1 degree, with the exception of parts of western Transdanubia, national frosts are expected, but in icy corners (mainly northern valleys, Nyírség) it can be 2 to 3 degrees more cold. Daytime highs range from 13 to 19 degrees.
  • On Tuesday the cold zone precipitation zone migrates from northwest to southeast. It can fall longer in the Trans-Tisza. There are rains, snowfalls and snowfalls. The smallest amount is likely to be in the central part of the country. Snow also melts during the day. The wind is getting stronger, increasing in several places to storm. Values ​​between minus 2 and plus 5 degrees at sunrise and between plus 3 degrees 8 in the afternoon will be typical.
  • On Wednesday In addition to longer or shorter periods of the day, cumulus clouds increase several times. Scattered showers, snow, occasional thunderstorms. It is getting stronger in many places, in some places the wind can be stormy at times. Usually the lowest temperatures are expected to be between minus 5 and plus 1 degrees, but in the northeastern valleys it can be colder than this. Higher temperatures are likely plus 7-11 degrees.
  • Thursday In addition to the shorter periods of the day, clouds can rise sharply several times during the day, and then in the late afternoon and early evening the sky becomes clearer in an increasing area. There may be scattered showers, snow showers. The wind will be strong in many places, in some stormy places. The minimum temperature is generally expected to be between minus 4 and plus 2 degrees, but it can be colder in the northeastern valleys. The peak is between 7 and 11 degrees.
  • Friday and Saturday Usually the sun shines for several hours, precipitation is unlikely. On Fridays in some places, on Saturdays the wind is stronger in many places. On Fridays, the lowest temperatures are generally expected to be between minus 5 and plus 1 degrees, but it can be colder in the northeastern valleys. The maximum temperature is between 9 and 16 degrees. On Saturday, the air warms up from 14 minus 1 to plus 5 degrees in the afternoon to 14-19 degrees in the afternoon.
  • Sunday the sky will be cloudy and rain and rain may occur sporadically. The wind can get stronger in many places. At dawn the temperature is usually between 0 and 7 degrees, and in the afternoon it is usually between 8 and 14 degrees – read the forecast.

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