On suspicion of corruption, the prosecution has launched an investigation against two people, one of whom is a high-ranking official of the ministry.

On Tuesday, the Budapest Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office carried out a coordinated action together with the reserve police: interrogations, searches, searches and seizures were carried out for the crime of bribery and other crimes.

According to the prosecution’s statement, this summer a cattle rancher also planned to start his new agricultural company with the help of a state tender. There was a well-founded suspicion that he offered an “unwarranted advantage” to a high-ranking ministry official to help him obtain support and land using his connections derived from his official position.

The significance of the case is well illustrated by the fact that the advertisement refers to a non-refundable amount of hundreds of millions of forints. The contractor offered a five percent stake to the ministry’s senior employee, who also accepted the offer and acquired the promised stake in the business.

The prosecution noted that both perpetrators were questioned as suspects and their arrest was ordered. They also indicated that they had proposed a “coercive judicial measure that affects personal freedom.”

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Szijjártó has been denounced for a luxury boat, the case is in the Central Prosecutor's Office

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The chancellor was on vacation on László Szjj’s luxury yacht so that he did not have the money for it, according to his declaration of assets, but if he received the trip as a gift, it could raise corruption problems. Szijjártó has not provided an explanation so far, but someone has reported it. It is a question of what the prosecutor’s office will get, if anything.

The Prosecutor's Office asked Vizoviczki for a more severe punishment

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The Attorney General’s Office for Appeals appealed for a longer prison term and a ban on the accused from public affairs.