The decision on the Fidesz politician was made with 133 votes in favor and 6 against.

The European People’s Party decided to deprive Tamás Deutsch of 133 votes in favor and 6 against on Wednesday, EUrologus reported. Earlier, some 40 MPs called for Deutsch’s expulsion from the Popular Party faction.

According to a draft resolution held by EUrologus, the Fidesz politician will not be expelled from the European People’s Party (EP) group on Wednesday night, but will instead be deprived of all his rights as a member. The proposal was accepted without changes by the Popular Party. Deutsche was thus deprived with immediate effect of the right to:

  • speak on behalf of the group in the EP Plenary,
  • work as rapporteur or shadow rapporteur on certain issues,
  • any post in the EP, this mainly means the mandate of the vice-president of the Committee on Budgets and Control.

All this because the Fidesz politician also spoke in two television interviews that one of the statements of the faction leader Manfred Weber recalls the methods of the Nazi Gestapo and the Hungarian communist secret police, the ÁVO.

Tamás Deutsch will be deprived of his rights as proposed by the Popular Party

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Deutsch again apologized and withdrew his words.


Tamás Deutsch apologized to the leader of the European People’s Party for the third time in a short time. The case of the MEP deeply divided the largest group in the European Parliament.

Süddeutsche analysis: Deutsch and Fidesz have to leave the People's Party


The largest German newspaper is ahead of tomorrow’s decision, which is to exclude Tamás Deutsch from the parliamentary group of the European People’s Party (EPP), which insulted the leader of the People’s Party, Manfred Webert, with unreserved words.