As expected, members of the opposition will demand the resignation of Demeter Szilárd on the day of Monday’s session. Mihály Varga replied that she thought Demeter had admitted her mistake.

Finance Minister Mihály Varga opened the parliament with speeches before the agenda. According to him, instead of cooperating, the government is once again forced to defend itself from the opposition, forecast a budget deficit of nine percent this year, and according to him, if the emergency ends, the Hungarian economy will quickly recover.

Varga also spoke of the German statement that “Hungarians should starve financially” because he believes it evokes bad memories of a German anyway.

In his response, Gergely Arató from DK criticized the economic data, brought up the jobs lost by the masses, and then turned to the topic, which probably determines the communication of the opposition for a while: Szilárd Demeter, who found an article late from last week that György Soros liberal Führer, and Europe is his gas chamber.

“The government did not say that it had replaced Demeter Solid. Demeter Szilárd is not the new Jew, but the old Nazi. If the importance of democracy in this country were taken seriously, this man could not be in his place. By being there, you are in communion with an anti-Semite, an outspoken Nazi. “

MSZP’s Sándor Burány also emphasized that he had not heard Demeter’s resignation.

Tamás Harangozó, also from the MSZP, mentioned the money given for the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant and sports facilities, while there is no 100% sick pay for workers, unemployment benefits are still available for a short time and the amount of aid is low, then he asked: “Demeter Szilárd how long can you stay in place when the decision is made? “

According to Antal Csárdi of the LMP, Varga liked to join the government as a victim, and then he joined the opposition line: “How long will Demeter Szilárd be in office? How many more minutes will he be at his post? When will the government distance itself from it, when will it make the expected and necessary decision? “

Varga mentioned the IMF loan contracted by the MSZP-SZDSZ government in 2008, which had already had to be repaid to Fidesz, while criticizing the economic policy, while the situation is now good, and emphasized that local governments also have many actions in government securities, for example.

Demeter also responded to Szilárd: he said that the CEO of PIM had admitted his mistake, in addition to deleting the article and his Facebook.

I observe here, the left spoke with double standards here too, when someone said that a left-wing mayor deserved the title of Man of the Year Adolf Hitler, they listened, as in the case of László Bíró

– Varga recalled one of the key issues of the Borsod by-elections, in which the opposition supported a politician who was still judging in 2018.

Erzsébet Schmuck from LMP also mentioned Demeter: according to the party’s co-chair, it is not enough to delete her Facebook, as that person has no place at the head of the Petőfi Literary Museum.

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