One of the teachers at Gyula Derkovits Primary School in Szombathely had a positive coronavirus test, so some of the students had to be taken home.

After it turned out that one of the teachers at Derkovits Gyula Primary School in Szombathely had coronavirus, the classes taught by the teacher had to be quarantined. Teachers in the class sent notices about this to parents via email, after consulting with the National Center for Public Health; one of her mothers on informed her.

The newspaper writes that the quarantine applies to students of a total of seven classes, they cannot go to school on Monday, the school management is waiting for instructions and information from the authorities.

They add that Derkovits Gyula Primary School is not the only educational institution in the city where the virus hit its head: at the beginning of the week, it was first infected at the music school and Dorottya primary school in Kanizsa, and then on Friday in Nitra Street School.

As is well known, Viktor Orbán said in an interview on Saturday that he still doesn’t see any justification for closing schools across the country, and we will not move back to mass digital education until the death toll rises. So now it will close some classes, those where the virus appears, he added.

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