Hitler’s former allies blacken the peacemaker Red Army, writes Marija Zaharova.

On October 27, Orbán inaugurated the statue of former United States President Viktor George Bush in Budapest’s Freedom Square. In his speech, the Prime Minister said, among other things:

“For the sake of the weakest, there is a monument to the German occupation on the one hand and the Soviet occupation on the other. This is also a clear message: if you are Hungarian, you can only choose between two options: the occupiers or freedom. “.

Here, Orbán referred to the monument, which according to the Russians commemorates the 80,000 Soviet soldiers who fell during the liberation of Budapest. The speech was observed by Russian foreign affairs spokeswoman Marija Zaharova, writes Telex. The spokesperson voiced his objection in his Facebook post.

Minions horthyst vs. Red Army peacemaker

According to Zaharova, “Such accusations are perverted, distorting the historical truth and the events of World War II, as established by the Nuremberg tribunal. Horthysta Hungary was a close ally of Hitler in the aggression against Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. . and against Soviet prisoners of war. “

The foreign spokesman also writes that “the Red Army has brought peace and freedom, it has saved the peoples of Europe from the brown plague. Some states want to distort this fact and silence the key role of our country in the defeat of fascism, as well as forgetting the Nazi henchmen. ” “

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