József Szájer, a Fidesz politician, resigned from the European Parliament on December 31. He informed David Sassoli, President of the EP, of his decision on this today. It refers to mental burdens, but continues to support the government.

Understanding and accurate information about the European Union has never been more important in Hungary than now. The aim of the EUrologus team of journalists in Brussels is to report on news and events in the European Union in a clear, precise and, if necessary, critical way, and to help the reader find out. EUrologus is Hungary’s most widely read independent EU news source, covering not only the battles between the EU and the Hungarian government, but also the European debates that most determine the future of the union.

My decision marks the end of a longer period of thought. The resignation is not related to the content of the current fiercest fight on the European stage. In the current debate, I agree with the position of the Hungarian Government and support it

– Thus begins the statement of Szájer announcing his resignation. He goes on to say: “For some time now, participating in the daily political struggle has become a growing mental strain for me, and those on the battlefield must be in combat state. I have been serving Hungary as a professional politician. for thirty years to conscientiously care, represent the interests of the Hungarian people and my constituents. “

József Szájer, 59, was a founding member of Fidesz, was a member of the Hungarian Parliament between 1990 and 2004, and then a member of the European Parliament for four years. According to him, in the future he intends to continue the work begun during the regime change “rather than practical political activity in the broader intellectual field.” He will provide information on the details later.

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