There are plans to transform hospital care in the country. Before the decision, dozens of invalidated applications for hospital directors and economic directors announced by the ministry in late autumn, early autumn, in recent days, Népszava reported.

The newspaper reported earlier this week that there would be a review of the health care system in January. Because of this, the recently released app has been overwritten and managers are being sought for 40 new posts instead. They would also include hospitals, clinics, and primary care providers in certain regions. This information was also confirmed by Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, on Friday.

you know: there would be five first-rate hospitals in the capital, two on the Buda side, two on the Pest side, and the fifth at the Military Hospital. The forty institutions come from county hospitals, national institutes and the five best hospitals in the capital. We know that the hospitals previously assigned to them will be disconnected from the current national institutes. For example, the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases is also separated from Central South Pest Hospital, which is the professional center of care for Covid. The latter will operate on the site of the former Szent László Hospital, while the Central South Pest Hospital will remain in the former Szent István. Similarly, they separate Peter and the National Institute of Traumatology, which has operated as an institution for more than a decade.

Nepszava knows that there will be five first-rate hospitals in the capital, two on the Buda side, two on the Pest side and the fifth in the Military Hospital. The forty institutions come from county hospitals, national institutes and the five best hospitals in the capital.

According to the newspaper, the hospitals that were previously attached to them will be separated from the current national institutes. For example, the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases is also separated from Central South Pest Hospital, which is the professional center of care for Covid. The latter will operate on the site of the former Szent László Hospital, while the Central South Pest Hospital will remain in the former Szent István. Similarly, they separate Peter and the National Institute of Traumatology, which has operated as an institution for more than a decade.

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President of the Medical Union: There is already a situation in the hospitals of Bergamo

András Dezső
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According to him, all this cannot be seen by the public simply because the press cannot enter the institutions and the employees are subject to secrecy.

Starting Tuesday, almost all hospitals will accept covidium patients, all deferred surgeries will be suspended
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The human resources minister has ordered that all deferred surgeries be suspended as of Tuesday and that all hospitals receive coronavirus patients. Additionally, 40 percent of hospital beds must be used or maintained to treat those infected.