This institution is the territorially competent place of care of Pest Road Home for the Senior.

Coronavirus pandemic

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in the world already exceeds four million, almost three hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact of the epidemic is invaluable. The spread of the epidemic is already slowing in several countries, restrictions have been eased in several places. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay with us and read our series of articles.

Referring to a document in his possession, Népszava writes that the death rate of patients infected with coronavirus is high at the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital in Budapest: a total of 202 people have entered the institution since the beginning of the epidemic due to COVID -19, 60 of which died.

The document wrote that the hospital death rate was 29 percent, while the overall Hungarian death rate was 12.2 percent.

Népszava also noted that the hospital in Kőbánya is the territorially competent care of the Pest Road Home for the Elderly. More than three hundred residents of the house became infected with the epidemic, 44 of whom died. (Mayor Gergely Karácsony previously spoke about the fact that the new coronavirus began to spread in the institution after patients who had become infected during their hospital treatment were returned without testing.)

The article quoted an unidentified Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital employee who spoke about the fact that their protective gear is sometimes incomplete and they are not even sure that what they have provides them with enough protection. “The insulation is a plasterboard wall and a door, but it does not reach the ceiling,” said the speaker, saying that the situation was much worse in early March, at the beginning of the epidemic: suspected cases of infection were locked in rooms. with multiple beds, but only two days later it was revealed who had contracted the virus.

Employees began conducting random evaluations in late March after several people became ill, the newspaper wrote, recalling that RTL Klub Híradója reported Tuesday that 24 of the 1,400 employees of the institution were confirmed to be infected. Népszava knows that the chief physician of the “covidos” class is among them.

Due to what happened at Pesti út’s house, a police investigation was started earlier, for which, according to the article, documents from the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital were also requested.

(Our illustration of the opening image).

The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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More than a dozen health workers were infected at the Budapest institution.