Tünde Szabó also showed on Facebook that he attended the contest with his daughter. However, the government had previously banned fans from sporting events.

The police have terminated the infringement procedure previously initiated against Tünde Szabó, Secretary of State for Sports, for taking the politician’s little girl to a closed-door swimming competition. Hungarian voice of your reputation. Under the legislation in force at the time, which was introduced due to the epidemic, fans were not allowed to attend sporting events.

Szabó provided a photo of her appearing at the race with her daughter for initiating infringement proceedings against her. THE Hungarian voice now he approached the police to ask what the result was. The answer to this was that

In the infringement procedure initiated in relation to the case in question, the Budapest XIII Police Headquarters. The District Police Department discovered that the Secretary of State for Sports had attended the sporting event as an officer. As there was no infraction, the authority closed the procedure.

The newspaper also asked if it had been taken into account that Tünde Szabó had appeared at the event with her little daughter, who was not a secretary of state. BRFK responded that “the authority examined the circumstances of the case and it was established that there had been no infraction.”

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