Today, MPs are asking questions of the prime minister.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

MEPs could ask Viktor Orbán questions in today’s parliament session. The line was started by Péter Jakab of Jobbik, who wondered if he had won the votes with Fidesz chips in the by-elections in Borsod, which the opposition lost.

“We listen to you and we do not know how to cry or laugh: the voice you speak of the people of Borsod is more than humiliating. What he presents after such an electoral result is both pathetic and ridiculous. Now that two-thirds have been demolished in this way, it reminds me of the galloping black knight of the Pawn, let’s agree on a draw, ”Orbán told Jakab in response, adding that the opposition had lost the elections because he spoke of the Borsod people. in that tone.

Jakab brought a bag of potato chips for this, referring to the fact that he thinks he won the voters’ chips in Fidesz Borsod. However, the janitors confiscated Jacob’s fries because he had not announced in advance that he would also bring an illustrative device into the meeting room.

Mediation charged next to Jakab revealed that he then tried to deliver the fries to Orbán, but he didn’t even get there when Máté Kocsis, the faction leader, got in his way. He was then joined by György Balla, László Kövér and Zsolt Semjén.

In response, according to László Bíró, Orbán brought up the story of Fidesz’s unpaid seamstresses: “We expect them to pay for the potatoes, if not for the seamstresses,” he said.

Gergely Arató del Sureste asked about the low number of coronavirus tests. “What do you think, Prime Minister? Will they start testing or close the country? “

In response to a question, Orbán announced that antigen tests would be introduced next week to improve the situation, a decision recently made by the government. “I think the issue of testing is an issue that requires serious medical training and should not become a political issue. We will do everything possible for Hungary to defend itself as well as possible, ”Orbán said, adding that opposition criticisms of the institutions qualify those who work in health. “The comments on the tests are actually an attack on epidemiologists.”

László Keresztes László from the LMP asked when the government would sit down with the professional organizations and from what source they plan to raise funds to improve the situation of the water companies. “To the big questions, I can say that Hungary has a ten-year development plan that is constantly updated, and there the subject of our hydraulic works is among the three or four most important points.”

In a cross answer, he indicated that there was a problem with the lack of money, and here it was not enough that “there was some kind of strategy”, and asked exactly when the government would do something significant. “We constantly consult with local governments and provide sufficient resources to guarantee the water supply in Hungary,” Orbán responded, acknowledging that there are some systems that are questionable if they will be operational next year.

The dialogue between Tímea Szabó and Bence Tordai also asked: Szabó criticized the law to increase the salary of doctors, which establishes, among other things, that doctors cannot accept a second job and can be relocated at any time in the country during two years. As an amendment, Szabó requested that certain groups be excluded from transfers and denied a second job only in justified cases. “The two issues that have been raised are just two of the many issues that still need to be regulated, this also applies to command. I cannot refuse to have command available in Hungary within the provision.” According to Szabó, 3,000 doctors will leave the country due to the new law. Orbán responded by saying that Diálogo is in alliance with the MSZP, suggesting that the situation was much worse at the time. “I am not afraid there will be a massive shortage of physicians. We want meaningful rules while paying attention to the needs of patients and at the same time accepting the needs of physicians.”

The independent János Bencsik, who read from the book For Civil Hungary, of which Orbán wrote the preface in 1998, also asked. According to Bencsik, the Orbans created a world in which a man with a puffy jacket and shaved hair could take the company. of apolitical and successful entrepreneurs. Orbán asked that if he saw this, he would go to court and stressed that the current Hungarian economy cannot be compared to 2010 as all the reports showed that poverty had been reduced. Bencsik acknowledged that there have been results in the last ten years. “I could wholeheartedly rejoice for the enrichment of Lőrinc Mészáros if there was a performance behind him,” said Bencsik, who said the government sees competition in independent entrepreneurs and is therefore being persecuted. Orban said that more than 38,000 companies export, so it also has a presence abroad, highlighting Molt, OTP, Richter, MVM and Hellt, for example.

György Szilágyi, a Jobbiker, asked what György Soros had asked of the liberal Fidesz at the time and what the Prime Minister had done based on the fact that corruption was higher in Germany than in Hungary. In response, Orbán still had moments at the time of regime change, supported by György Soros and István Csurka, as it was an anti-communist unity front, then went on to see the German and Anglo-Saxon press to see Western corruption cases, and Germany to the point. perhaps due to the money laundering case in the western world. According to him, in Hungary there is zero tolerance for corruption.

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