Both Blikk and an instant politician reported footage of a large crowd waiting to be vaccinated.

As if we were not in the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic, which is causing a more serious situation than ever, people are waiting for each other to be vaccinated, huddled in the waiting room of the Ferenc Jahn South Pest Hospital. , according to Blikk.

Dozens of people wait in the waiting room without following the recommended distance of one and a half meters from each other, while the virus produces unprecedented figures: 9444 new infections were found in the early hours of Saturday, and about a thousand were on fans, which is a hair’s breadth from Hungarian healthcare.

According to the newspaper, the images were taken by a reader at South Pest Central Hospital on Saturday, but the name of the hospital was presumably lost. Gábor Havasi, a Momentum health politician, for example, who reportedly reported on the same mass on his Facebook page, wrote in his post that the photos were taken at Ferenc Jahn South Pest Hospital. Even on the basis of the images on the hospital website, in the gallery, it seems certain that the crowd in the images posted by Blikk was indeed packed at Ferenc Jahn Hospital. contacted the hospital on various channels, if they respond, we will update the article.

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