The Secretary of State, as they wrote, also confirmed to PDSZ that the promised reward was actually the EFOP-3.1.11-19 application.

The government has decided that 10,500 pedagogues and specialists assisting in pedagogical work will receive a one-time gross grant of 500,000 HUF in 400 disadvantaged settlements, Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, announced on Wednesday. However, as the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) has observed,

It is not a grant, the money can be won by bidding.

The Secretary of State, at the time of writing, also confirmed to the PDSZ that it was the application with the code number EFOP-3.1.11-19. As written, within the framework of the HUF 6.43 billion tender for the Klebelsberg Center, the beneficiary teacher will enter into a bilateral agreement with the Klebelsberg Center to implement a set of requirements listed on a page and a half in their lessons.

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Kásler: More than 10,000 teachers receive 500,000 gross HUF

Workers from disadvantaged settlements are recognized by the government.


Balla Györgyi – Ballai Vince
At home

We asked the principals and teachers of the schools about the epidemiological action plan sent to the schools. It is generally accepted that most of the recommendations are not feasible. According to the ministry, yes, and if not, older students must wear a mask.