They believe that parents should ask kindergarten directors to justify the absence of their children.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The Democratic Union of Teachers has appealed to parents asking them not to send their children to kindergarten or school.

As they write, they receive many letters from parents who fear their children because it is not appropriate to keep their distance or segregate groups of students everywhere, and in the vast majority of cases there are no tests or they are only running late.

They add, this does not mean that there is a need for panic, but for solutions, which is the responsibility of the government and educational management, but now they think that parents are obliged to act.

The call says, of course, that not all families can solve the problem of not sending their child to kindergarten, to school, especially where only a breadwinner could stay at home with the child, but they believe that now the best solution is that whoever can send the children to school, kindergarten. They add that according to local epidemiological policies and protocols, the kindergarten teacher and principal can provide proof of the absence of children and students, so parents are encouraged to ask them to excuse the absence.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke on Friday on Kossuth Radio that the epidemic was no longer present in only 700 Hungarian settlements, 98 kindergartens were closed, 7 schools had a break (digital education could not be organized), 23 schools had education distance learning and 78 schools had mixed education. occurs. “We try not to close schools for as long as we can. There are 7 weeks until recess, we must hold on until then,” he said. According to Orbán, high school students would not stay home even if they switched to digital education, so the question is what is the greater risk: if they are in control in school, or if they don’t get in, then there will be what will happen.

“Well, this table has also fallen”, the virus spreads among teachers, but their protection is not guaranteed

Although the ministry said schools had managed to avoid becoming focal points of infection, this did not appear to be enough to reduce the vulnerability of teachers. While reports have been received of several educators who have died from the coronavirus, the government is unwilling to give schools more autonomy to protect their own educators through breaks, distance learning, or other curricular methods.

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