Before last year’s EP elections, the party lost an official site of 207,000 followers and now 80,000 likes have been removed for violating the principles of the Facebook community.

It removed the Nuestro País Facebook page, the party said Tuesday. As they write, 80,000 followers were lost. In the early afternoon, only the satirical pages with the name of the party were actually available, as well as the pages of smaller party organizations.

The announcement reveals that the reason for the removal is that the far-right party has violated the principles of the Facebook community. However, they did not write which post. They claim they were accused of operating the social site “without real justification.” Before removing their page, they also removed an event on October 23.

Before the 2019 EP elections, Our Country has already lost an official community site. At that time, László Toroczkai’s Facebook page with 207 followers was removed.

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There are also two police proceedings againstdóra Dúró
At home

The politician of Our Country has waived his immunity.

Our country can be informed by the national Roma self-government
At home

They will use all legal means to stop extremist demonstrations against Roma.