A new rule comes from midnight, this was announced in an interview with M1.

In an interview with M1, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that a mask must also be worn in public areas starting at midnight. This is a new item, not announced on Monday yet. The decree on restrictions has already been signed, but it has not yet been published in the Hungarian Gazette, so it is not known if there are other unexpected elements in it.

The prime minister has also been quite dramatic about the health situation, saying several times that there is now a 50 percent chance that he will persevere.

Orbán announced the following restrictions on Monday:

  • There will be a curfew between 8:00 pm and 5:00 am, during this period you can only drive on the street for work reasons, return home from work or other extraordinary reasons.
  • All meetings are prohibited.
  • Restaurants are closing, only home delivery is possible. Factory canteens may be open.
  • Shops, hairdressers and small craft service providers close at 7 pm
  • Hotels can only accept guests for business purposes, not tourists.
  • A general event ban will apply.
  • Up to 10 people can attend a family reunion or private event.
  • They limit the number of people who attend the wedding and funeral, the latter can only go to 50 people at a time. Only the people required for the ceremony, witnesses, parents and siblings can attend a wedding, but they cannot celebrate a wedding.
  • Sports matches are held behind closed doors.
  • Massive outdoor sports are also prohibited outdoors, individual sports activities can be performed.
  • Leisure facilities will be closed: museums, theaters, gyms, cinemas and zoos.
  • Higher education is shifting to online mode, universities must also close.
  • In high school, digital education takes effect starting in the eighth grade.
  • Nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools will remain open for those under 14 years of age. Hospital workers, teachers, kindergarten children, and daycare workers are tested selectively and weekly, even if they know that rapid tests are only 50-60 percent safe.

Meanwhile, it turned out that you also have to move out of the high school dormitories until Saturday, and you can walk your dog after 8pm, detailed rules are left to local governments. The tightening is 30 days if good results are obtained,

We can get rid of him at Christmas.

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