In place of public service television, Viktor Orbán spoke on TV Facts about protecting against the virus epidemic.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The Prime Minister spoke about epidemiological measures, the closing of the border and when the vaccine is expected in Hungary as soon as possible. Viktor Orbán said in an interview on Saturday that the epidemic continues to escalate, with a very difficult period ahead for hospitals. He said that he visits hospitals and sees that he has enough equipment everywhere, but no one is happy to be redirected to a new location, targeting health workers here. “We have designated the first 8 epidemic hospitals, if their resources run out, new ones will come.”

The government runs the defense, but the people run the country, and although we are closer to receiving a vaccine, we now expect Brussels to have a vaccine by the middle of next year at the latest, “he added.

“We knew it was coming from the second wave, the essence of which was that people would accept it, so there was a national consultation. The conclusion was to make schools work, jobs,” he said. Among neighboring countries, he mentioned the Czech Republic, where the epidemic broke out. That is why he considers the border blockade important, because the virus destroys here, but it came from abroad.

As for the economy, the focus is on the development of investment, another possibility is that the State hires workers, and thirdly, public works will continue, in which wages will have to be raised next year, Viktor emphasized Orbán.

In employment, the question now is whether employers will be able to create the jobs they need. A closed factory in Germany or France cannot be opened there after the crisis. While this is also true for us, there is currently a competition in which we must be as competitive as possible.

Finally, he said that he himself was concerned because the enemy was unknown. If there had been a virus that was directly dangerous to children, it would have been better tolerated. However, so far no such mutation has emerged in this virus. There will come a time when the vaccine will be available to Hungarians in time, the Prime Minister assured viewers of the official channel.

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