Richárd Tóth

You see the numbers increase, the massive epidemic is approaching. According to Orbán, most infections occur in Budapest, we cannot avoid introducing specific regulations in the capital.

coronavirus pandemic

There are already two million people living with the coronavirus in the world, more than one hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact is invaluable. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay tuned, read our series of articles.

According to the government information page on the coronavirus, the number of deaths due to the coronavirus in Hungary exceeded 150 on Friday morning. The number of infected people identified in Hungary increased to 1,763, and 14 people have died since Thursday, bringing their number to 156.

And Gergely Gulyás announced in government information on Thursday that the curfew will extend for another week starting Saturday, and mayors may take local austerity measures on weekends, such as Easter. It has also been decided that it will only be a written exam.

Viktor Orbán said in a radio interview on Friday that the best news is not to start with the fact that we still know little about the virus. Therefore, be cautious, this instinct leads the defense. But he is also lucky: he said, because we have Austria there, he emphasized, he sees the country as a laboratory. But the restrictions are eased there, Orbán is watching.

Let’s be glad we’re not experimental mice right now, “he said.

She would love to make unifying restrictions, you can imagine what it would be like with two or three children in a housing estate.

That is the jihad itself, he said.

However, if these reliefs work in Austria, he will also think of home. Orbán prepares for the worst, but hopes for the best.

On the launch of hospital beds, he said that everything has been done in recent weeks to curb the epidemic while preparing medical care for massive infections. According to Orbán, this was successful: they bought time, acquired equipment and prepared the health care system.

But what is enough of a hospital bed, for example? There are more than a thousand nursing homes in Hungary and only ten people contract the virus, that is, more than ten thousand people, which is a very high number. “We have to prepare for an uncertain future,” and the current situation (number of dead and infected) is still bearable, according to Orbán.

Again, 8,000 fans, as well as 30,000 available beds are the target. There are a total of 68,000 hospital beds in Hungary, 34 percent of which were ill, and from here we have to leave half of the beds unoccupied, that is, 16 percent. Patients waiting for deferred interventions will only be sent home, he said, and this is not a political decision but a medical one.

We are better than a week ago: he said about the health situation, the great values ​​of our country are doctors and nurses. However, hospital orders were needed to have a military order in hospitals, because in a normal situation these institutions do not work as strictly, the soldier needed the hospital director’s side. He did not say it, but Orbán also spoke about the dismissed hospital directors, saying that everyone should implement the decisions of the operating personnel.

The massive epidemic is not far away, I see the numbers increase, he said.

Then he turned again to the mayors, who had the opportunity to press this weekend, since they saw that at Easter it had worked. Good times are coming, people are leaving, this should be avoided. “Here is the danger of social convergence.”

Most infections are in Budapest, and we cannot avoid introducing specific regulations in the capital, the prime minister announced. There’s no time for that yet, maybe we can talk about it next week. That is why Mayor Gergely Christmas is happy with the good relationship between him.

At the Pesti út nursing home, 18 people have already died, the topic was brought up by presenter Katalin Nagy, but according to Orbán, we should not be looking for those responsible for now, and then we will come back to this when the problem is over. We need to work together now.

Now I am looking for the most sociable relationship with the mayor.

It is centrally impossible to carry out the defense, it is necessary to defend the locals. But “an intelligent people is ours, even though this is not always visible”, which is why, according to Orbán, it works, “the instinct of the farmer is activated locally”.

When can we get to the top? The difficulty is yet to come, according to the prime minister, the number of deaths will be greater in the coming days, the massive epidemic is approaching, but he says that we will receive the great attack prepared.

The defense locker is open from above: He stressed again, the number of fans and anesthetics installed is between 2 and 3,000, they will reach 8,000 and hospitals already have enough supplies for ten days. “There will be no shortage of money, the funds will be available.” We’ve taken the battles so far well, that’s all and nothing else, “he said.

On economic defense, he said, it consists of hundreds of elements, the prime minister has high hopes for it. “But the proof of the pudding is to eat, the monkey has to jump into the water,” he is optimistic, but he has reservations.

There will be no life after the epidemic as it was before, “he said.

He sent a message to economic operators, there is something that will not be saved, the epidemic can sweep businesses and markets forever. Everyone needs to adapt, so recycling is also supported. “We expect more from everyone than he can handle.” On tourism, he said, “it has a lung injection, it is in the most barren condition”, but they predict that perhaps the domestic part of the sector could be launched later this year.

He also considers it important to recover the 13-month pension, since he says that retirees have seen until now when a crisis has come, they have touched pensions. But “it cannot happen now,” he told the two million retirees, “they can count on the government with courage.”

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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