Despite hardly anyone standing by his side, he nearly brought the debate to the wall at the summit in mid-October, according to a leaked report.

He received a detailed account of the 444th EU summit held behind closed doors on October 15-16, which is interesting because Viktor Orbán was the protagonist of a debate that took place on the second day.

According to the newspaper, the discussion began with preparations for the European Union-African Union meeting in December, in which he should have expressed what the EU expects from the meeting. Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel has indicated that he does not like a document on “equality between men and women”, which sets out the values ​​on which the EU wants to work with Africa, and has said that it would be better to have ” gender equality”. “would be included.

After a little international discussion, Orban arrived and declared:

In Hungary, we do not use gender equality. It’s an over-ideological word. “

It was then that the Dutch, Spanish, Belgian, Irish, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian and Slovenian Prime Ministers, the German Chancellor and the French and Romanian Presidents joined the debate, stating that they had no problem with the word. , but to insist not everyone insisted.

In the debate, only Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis supported Orban, but he also represented Mateusz Morawiecki, a Pole who stayed home due to the coronavirus.

In the three-quarter-hour debate, Angela Merkel, who suggested referring only to a previously adopted document (which includes the word gender anyway), made arrangements.

This is not the end of the controversy, as Danish Mette Frederiksen clashed with Orban about how harsh the need should be for African countries to readmit people who have not obtained asylum in Europe. Frederiksen wanted the African Union to “respect” the EU’s need to contribute to readmission, while Orbán suggested including in the text that “the future of Africans is in Africa.”

Merkel also needed to calm this down: she first suggested that the word readmission be removed entirely from the text, and then she told Orban that she couldn’t be as paternalistic as the Africans suggested in her proposed passage, and that she couldn’t treat Africa as a just theme. , the reality is much more nuanced than that.

The word readmission was finally included in the text as an opportunity for dialogue.

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