“If that’s the way things are going, there is a fifty percent chance that we will be able to see patients in hospitals. We couldn’t wait any longer for decisions to be made now, ”said the prime minister at M1.

Viktor Orbán gave an interview to M1 on Tuesday night. The Prime Minister spoke at the Carmelite Monastery that “dramatic announcements” have now arrived about the coronavirus because “big decisions have to be made without hesitation.” According to Orbán, roughly what is happening in Hungary is what happened in other EU countries, and about Austria again as a laboratory: according to him, Hungary is now where the western neighbor was a week ago in terms of infections.

“We must constantly look for the moment when even human living conditions can be maintained and we can maintain health.” According to Orbán, the number of medical personnel is finite, but they are also only human:

If things continue like this, there is a fifty percent chance that we will be able to see patients in hospitals. We couldn’t wait any longer for decisions to be made now. “

– He said.

According to Orbán, the number of patients that can be cared for by one person can be increased, but a single person cannot control 20 to 30 machines. “There is a limit that we must consider, and doctors have indicated that there will be a limit above which many patients cannot be cared for responsibly.”

“They could hold out, but if they didn’t, it would be a big problem. Now we are also recruiting doctors and medical students, there are fewer people than are optimally needed for patients ”, admitted Orbán.

“There is health and life, the two cannot be confused”

Regarding the use of masks, he said that if 80 percent of people wear a mask, that is enough to slow down and slow down the virus. “It has been a while. If people had not been disciplined, we would have reached this point sooner,” said Orbán, who announced that it would be mandatory to wear a mask in public areas after midnight.

He also specifically mentioned the football matches of the week, which will be goals closed to the plans: “There is health and life, the two cannot be confused. Life is your first defense. We all love to go to a library, a cinema or a theater and a game, but that is completely secondary. “

What’s in education?

He also talked about the introduction of digital education: a week ago he really did not want to introduce it, but now, due to the curfew restriction, he no longer sees a problem in “releasing” students, as they must be at home to 8 pm “Young people between the ages of 14 and 18 are already serious enough to be serious and now they need to speak to their heads. I understand that we are young and strong, and it is true that anyone who is strong and young can get away with this flu-like illness by suffering from this coronavirus epidemic, but parents and grandparents will not get away with it. And if you leave the family because you die from covid, it is an irreparable loss. That is what we have to say to our children now. “

Regarding the introduction of rapid tests, he said they should be treated with caution because there is a lot of professional debate about their effectiveness.

“Today, all we can do for daycare centers and kindergarten teachers is provide this uncertain but supportive quick test.”

The opposition also responded to a comprehensive request for evidence: it said that Slovakia’s results should be awaited and a conclusion drawn.

Our deliverance comes in April

“It doesn’t matter if we get tired or die of something,” he said of people who are beginning to tire of fighting the virus. “People need information, but I think it’s there. A match also consists of two halves, you must also start for the second half. After the first part, you know more about what awaits you on the field in the second. However, your knowledge is more. There are many arguments in favor of making the second wave easier to bear. However, the vaccine is now in sight. It is an enemy that must be killed, only a vaccine can help in that, “said the prime minister.

Orbán spoke of a nearby vaccine, while in the West they are only used to sprouting: “Yesterday there were reports that there is a vaccine. This brought optimism to economic life in a matter of moments. This was not without reason, because the news reliably says that the vaccine is in foreseeable proximity. At the end of December, in January, all vaccines will come from the European Union, and I believe that we can vaccinate nurses, doctors and law enforcement workers, and perhaps even the most vulnerable. But I also try to keep the opportunities for China, Israel and Russia burning.

We will have partial relief in late December and release in April. “

The problem is not the economy or health

Regarding the help given to caterers, he admitted that it will not help them in the long term, but at the moment the curfew is limited to thirty days. “If it works well, we can get rid of it at Christmas. Now our hotels, restaurants and leisure institutions are falling their income for thirty days, and the help is for so long. If you continue, I have received suggestions for new measures to help all sectors of the economy. An action plan is being prepared that will help everyone, “he said.

Regarding the choice between economy or health, he said, they do not have to choose, they have to regulate life and the two things are in one. “I want to help people so that they can live the life they want. We are trying to help the whole thing in some way, ”he said as the reason for closing only secondary schools, not elementary schools, since in the latter case, parents have to stay home.

Regarding the 90-day mandate, you are already sure that our bad news will be revealed in the West. “Although dozens of Hungarian MPs will discuss the laws in the coming days, they will say in many places that the parliament is not working, that a dictatorship has broken out. This is a network. Someone does not like the current Hungarian government, many are requesting this country, it is a beautiful country, many would take it away from the Hungarians. I think every baby that sits on your arm knows that George Soros is deep down, he’s the spider that spins this web. “

The prime minister praised the Hungarian medical care, thanks to which he said that we take on the fight against the virus better than Switzerland, despite the fact that they have more money, and then at the end of the interview he spoke about the Hungarians cohesive about the flood .

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